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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Stockton, CA
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    Default Hello from Stockton, CA

    I ran across this site in pursuit of researching the use of straight edge razors. My interest in straight edge razors began when I saw an episode of "How It's Made" and they were making straight edge razors at the DOVO plant. Since then, it has perked my curiosity and I would love to try using a straight razor. I have watched about a dozen YouTube instructional videos on the use and care of straight razors, so I kind of have a general idea of the concept, but I just don't know where to start. I saw someone post in another forum that a good place to buy a starting kit would be from I guess what I would really like is to meet up with a local person who uses straight edge razors and get tips,tricks, and instructions on how to use them properly. If you are in the Stockton, CA area, feel free to hit me up and I would love to know more about all of this.


  2. #2
    Senior Member pzak327's Avatar
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    I am sure you will find someone to met up with. Also look at the Classified section here for some really nice razors at a great price.

  3. #3
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Hello, Brian, and welcome to Straight Razor Place. Before you start this adventure, please remember that straight razor shaving is an art and a craft and, as do they, requires skill. For this you need persistence and a sense of adventure, a measure of tenacity. You will spend many shaves on this process, with a few earned nicks for good measure. Your first shaves will be rough — there's a saying that it takes you about 100 shaves to start getting the hang of it.

    Then again, straight razor shaving, when you embrace it wholeheartedly, will be a fascinating ride. By the time you realize it, you have already become proficient at it. Also, you will never look back on the multi-blade cartridge razor and canned goo that passes for shave cream.

    Okay, then, now you're ready to go. What you need are four important elements: shave-ready razor, strop, brush, and soap (cream). Many of the vendors here at SRP do sell starter kits. It all depends on your price range. The SRP Classified section has a range of fine razors, shave-ready, in a range of prices. You will do yourself a great favor by avoiding eBay for now, because, since you're new, you don't know what you're going to get. Later on, after you've learned a few things about the world of the straight razor, you are more than welcome to explore eBay.

    Beyond this, read the information in the Wiki and ask questions. You'll be amazed at the level of expertise some members of this forum have. We're delighted to have you with us.

  4. #4
    Member JohnnyHoodoo's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome to SRP.Have lots of fun.

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