Quote Originally Posted by tekbow View Post
well, there's a bunch of stuff to be had here shaving wise:


thread i did a while ago that never really took off, also recently discovered that the jenners barber shop in rose street does straight and DE razors, althought the straights are cyril salter so stay away from them, but they have strops and bits and pieces too.
Ah, I didn't realise there was anywhere in Edinburgh that did that kind of thing, I may have to pop in and have a look sometime. Through in Edinburgh tomorrow to see a friend actually but don't think I'll be getting round to looking then.
One of the things I do feel I could do with is a cheaper, spare razor that I can use to practice honing on before I have to try it on my razor I'm shaving with. I know I shouldn't have to do any honing for a month or two hopefully but it's the thing that could most likely end in disaster

Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
Samwise, Welcome, and congrats! 3rd shave w/ a str8. Anyone who doesn't remember it being intimidating has a short memory or they're lying. 'Grats on choosing quality.

From the sounds of it, you're off to a much better start than I had, and its true - it'll keep getting better. A year and a half later, and the enjoyment shows no sign of letting up.

'Hope to see more of you 'round here.
Haha, yeh it was slightly intimidating the first time. I'd read plenty about how to do it and had watched several videos but it doesn't quite prepare you for taking a sharp cutthroat razor to your face! It's going pretty well though, very pleased so far. The worst moment for the thinking about the sharpness I find is as it approaches my throat.
Having the most trouble at the moment with the upper lip and the chin, the more awkward areas but even they're getting better. Will see how it goes tomorrow

Speaking of which, I'd really better get to bed; catching the train just before 9.
Shall see you around and good night all!