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Thread: Hi all

  1. #1
    pds is offline
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    Default Hi all

    Hi everyone,

    I've been using the SRP for a couple of years to find info. and thought it was about time I joined in (thanks to all the unwitting contributors).

    Converted to straight razor use about two years ago - can't really say why, just fancied giving it a try - and haven't looked back since. Started out with an unnamed (retailed by H Nadler Frankfurt), reconditioned razor from The Invisible Edge and as you can guess gathered pace from there.

    I'm currently still using my original razor in rotation with a W.B. Hilliard, Ford & Medley, Kropp, Mappin Bros., EDACO, J Milner and George Butler. Apart from the Ford & Medley I have carried out some level of restortion on all the razors I'm using building up my honing skills.

    I've also picked up a number of oldies that need saved and recirculation. Currently I'm working on a T Parker (if anyone has info. on this maker...) near-wedge that I'm guessing must date to mid-1800's by it's style and should look stunning once I'm finished (hopefully will be a great shave too).

    Apart from shaving my great passion is biking - my normal ride is a Hayabusa tho' I love older Japanese bikes and spend a lot of time riding my '76 CB550 (very slow but loads of fun). I play a few instruments but due to time contraints have largely given up to concentrate on the bagpipes.Like many in NE Scotland oil money pays the bills and I work as an engineering manager in the subsea sector.

    Look forward to picking everyone's brains!

    Last edited by pds; 10-04-2011 at 06:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP Phil. I just went through my Goins and saw nothing on T Parker. Pics or more info may help.

  3. #3
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    Hi Phil and welcome to SRP!!! Please do ask questions and this is a great bunch of guys on this forum. I ride also. A Royal Enfield. Very Best and Happy Shaving, wildhog

  4. #4
    pds is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrilliumLT View Post
    Welcome to SRP Phil. I just went through my Goins and saw nothing on T Parker. Pics or more info may help.
    I've added a 'before' pic - this was pretty much as recieved, just given a wash and disinfect prior to work commencing. The pic makes it look a bit nicer than it was in reality. The only markings are on the tang (face side) "T Parker, Warranted".

    I've rubbed down and polished the scales and they've come-up lovely. The blade's been cleaned with a rotary wire brush and I've attacked it with 60 grit. Next phase will be to take it through the wet'n'dry grades before polishing and then honing which should tax my skills!
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    Last edited by pds; 10-05-2011 at 05:09 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, Phil.
    As you can see by my avatar, I ride too. (R1100RS)
    I look forward to seeing how the restore goes....of course, if you don't like the blade, send it to me - I love the shape of it....hehehehe
    Have a long look at the WIKI and ask lots of questions (after you search the forums for answers).
    Everyone here are great blokes (non gender specifically speaking of course) with lots of knowledge and experience and really love to help.
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

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