So started a conversation recently with a friend of mine whom I had just told that I was going to try this old (new) shaving technique. I have had a desire to do this for some time, and as I get older (mid 60's) the urge has gotten stronger. I will be retiring at the end of this year, and after a stress filled and busy career, I have the overwhelming desire to sloooow dowwwwn. Well, every one knows that you don't straight shave with any great least not more than once, I would imagine. That, and a certain nostalgia for a simpler lifestyle. I remember my Dad, and in fact my Grandfather shaving with a straight, and the appeal for that "simpler" time is very strong.
So much for analysis, and yes, I loved my Mom, etc. I have a brand new Dovo 5/8 "Silver Steel" and accoutrements on the way for Christmas, and can't wait. Last thing to do is update insurance, and begin hacking. Ouch, that thought makes my face hurt. Stay close, friends. I'm gonna need a lot of help.
