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  1. #11
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    Does everybody use a piece of tape on the spine when doing the "Continual" honeing needed for the razor? (as per whippeddogs article?

  2. #12
    Member markdfhr's Avatar
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    Talking Try not to bite off too much at once


    I'm not a honing expert, so understand this. However, if you don't know where the bevel is, which is basically the angle of the edge, I suggest you get a sharpie and make a small mark around the very edge of your razor. Then you can proceed to make a few x-strokes on your barber's hone. If you see that the sharpie's mark has not been removed, then you can put a layer of tape on the heel of the blade and try again. You're seeking the proper angle for the bevel.

    Remember to use no pressure. You should seriously consider browsing the wiki and read this article specifically: Beginner's Guide to Honing - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    Also, if I were you, I'd consider having your razor professionally honed so that you can keep the number of variables that you have to control as a new straight razor reduced to a manageable level. If you incorrectly hone your razor at this stage of the game, you'll never really know why your shaves aren't improving or what you need to correct. It's best to keep things simple for now.

    Just my humble opinion as a fellow student.


  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    hello and welcome

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