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  1. #1
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    Default Howdy from wayyyyyy down South.

    Not to many people further south then me, unless you're in Mexico. I'm here in South Texas, Corpus Christi area to be exact. I got my first SR shave when I was in high school when I stopped by my buddies dads barber shop. He gave me a hair cut, then started to lather me up. I'm a big wuss with needles so I didn't know how I was going to handle a guy with a razor whipping around my throat! Shave went VERY well and I didn't need to shave for a week. Fast forward 17 years and I want to get into a SR. Like some many other dumb idiots I went right to Ebay and bought a "kit" the Zeepk special. It had been so long since my last SR shave I didn't remember how nice it was. This was a bit different. It shaved, but was more like a scrape then a shave. I used these and tried to keep an edge on them with the strop they included. That lasted about a month. I tried and tried to strop those razors to get a better edge on them but nothing. So I asked the wife for a Dovo Shavette. She got it for my Xmas present this year. I put my first blade in, lathered up and WOW what a difference. Smooth, no tugging great BB shave. Splash some after shave lotion on and wow what have I been missing. So I decided I really would like to do the whole SR thing right this time. I have a Carl Rob Schaaf "Tiger" I purchased off Ebay with a Solingen blade. I'll ship it off to Whipped dog to have it honed, and pick up a Sight unseen kit from him as well. I'd REALLY like a Wade and Butcher, since Wade is my last name. No relation that I know of, but that would be cool. Trying to learn to do things myself as far as honing and stropping. I will be getting a Norton 4k/8k hopefully and have already purchased the Radio Shack microscope to check the blade. Now I just need a tutorial on what the heck I'm looking for

    Searching for a Razor that passes the HHT,


  2. #2
    Just a guy with free time.
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    Welcome to the forum, and I hope you enjoy it here.

  3. #3
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP

    We have a member named Traveller in Port Isabell Texas who would be a great resource for you.
    Here is a link to his Profile page. Send him a PM or email.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  4. #4
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    Sent him a friend request...last post on here was in 2010...not sure if he's still around.

  5. #5
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    In his profile is an option to send an email. That would be your best bet. He does travel a lot for his work so his response may take some time.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

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