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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Thanked: 10

    Default A New But Old Member From Northern California

    Just wanted to introduce myself after rejoining the group after a long hiatus. I don't shave as much as I used to with a straight and I'm certainly not the perfectionists that many of you are regarding a supreme shave, but I still have a fondness for the entire process. I also have an unflappable and irresistible urge to collect all things related to sharpening and straight razor saving. I have managed to keep it at bay all these many years, but I know it is still there...and therefore I am still here.

    I still hold a small grudge that this sight was largely responsible for the crazy increase in Ebay prices on all european sharpening stones, but mainly the sudden rise over the last few years in the price of coticules. One must be fortunate indeed these days to find a good one at a reasonable price. But at least the tradeoff is knowledge. Less than 10 years ago, you could hardly find anyone that even knew what a belgian coticule was, much less an Charnley or Escher or Thuringon. I've always felt there was no such thing as too much sharpening knowledge, and the information available now on the net and here and at Badger is staggering. Much of that is due to these crazy straight razor people discovering them and experimenting with them.

    Anyway, it is nice to be back even if only for the occasional inspiring conversation.

  2. #2
    Just a guy with free time.
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    Mid state Illinois
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    Welcome back then. I'm not much of a perfectionist at anything. But the standard does seem to be pretty high around here. lol. Man sharpens man and all that biblical stuff I suppose.

  3. #3
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Milwaukee, WI
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    Hello, Stonehenge, and welcome back.

  4. #4
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Oslo, Norway
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    I'm happy to see you back!

    It is quite interesting to read your thoughts on how you see the straight shaving scene changing over the years.
    You sure are right about them European stones, not many bargains left to find these days is it
    We do tend to go a bit overboard around here, but then again, I guess that is the nature of the beast on a forum such as this.

    Anyways, welcome back to SRP
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  5. #5
    Member IcemanOkC's Avatar
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    Petaluma, California
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    Welcome, fellow Nor Cal person. I'm in Petaluma. Think we will ever be able to get a meet-up put together?

  6. #6
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    Welcome back! I also long for the prices of yesterday. I gave up straight razors back in 2007. Prices on razors and stones have gone way up since back then. Sometimes I wonder what kind of collection I might have had if I had stayed on board. But at least I am back to the hobby I love and I'm sure some deals will come my way eventually.


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