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Thread: college student who just bought a cheap set, and I need help

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    Default college student who just bought a cheap set, and I need help

    So I bought a cheap set (straight razor, strop, badger brush, soap, bowl) and I've shaved with it twice. The first time it took me about 40 minutes and I hacked my face up but got a really smooth face. I shaved with it again today, I am pretty good with shaving my cheeks but my neck, jaw line, and chin are impossible for me to do. I am watching videos online but they aren't much help. Any and all help with these areas would be appreciated...the angle, amount of pressure, ect....

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    More info is needed if you want some help..

    start with what brand of razor ??? honing ??? stropping ??? etc:

  3. #3
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    +1 on Glen's request for more information.

    Remember too that the neck, jaw and chin are portions of the face that are the hardest to shave. When you begin using a straight razor, it is advisable to begin with shaving the cheeks first. Use your DE or multiblade razor to shave the rest of your face, until you feel that you have become proficient shaving your cheeks with the straight.
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  4. #4
    ace is offline
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    Rome was not built in a day, and that's the way it is with technique. Stick with the cheeks and give yourself some time to develop your technique.

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    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Return it if possible... Try and get yer money back do some research here then "Buy Smart"

    Putting this nicely, "That set is designed to take advantage of the huge resurgence in straight razor shaving, by uninformed newbs to this hobby"

    Not so nicely "You done got taken" sorta like the guy on the corner selling "Rolex" watches for $200

    Don't feel bad many people have done the same

    Note to the senior members: look at the website showing up at the bottom of that page link
    Last edited by gssixgun; 02-27-2012 at 01:11 AM.
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    doubt i could, i've already used it twice

  8. #8
    Junior Member striker's Avatar
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    I'm new to the forums but feel I can give a hand as I just started as well. If your SOL on returning that then I'd say this It's appears from the like you got a Dovo for your straight razor which has been making SR for some time. The problem that. might be happening is that it may not be shave ready and require honing which on a budget isn't something most can just dive into plus it takes years of practice to do correctly. I would suggest in this case to see if one of these fine gentleman could hone it for you or maybe a local barber. I too did a lot of YouTube watching to try and learn I found a lot of different techniques but in the end it came down to what felt right for me. Now as stupid as this sound I started my lathering a balloon and practice clearing the shaving soap over and over and again. After I was comfortable with that I moved to my cheeks as ace said earlier, now my whole face. The last suggestion I can give is prep work a good prep job can do wonders. A hot shower or towel for starters. Pre shave oil if you like you can get it from a Walmart for cheap and last I don't know what soap you got in the kit but a good soap can do wonders and create a nice buffer between skin and blade. Give your face some time to get used to it as well shaving more frequently just made my face a war zone. That's the great thing about doing SR shaves its a luxury that requires patience and that's what's so great about it. It's a time out to do something for yourself. It's separates the men from the boys. Welcome to the club and enjoy its worth it : ) Sorry for any run ons typing from my phone.

  9. #9
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by striker View Post
    It's appears from the like you got a Dovo for your straight razor which has been making SR for some time.
    I don't know of any kits containing a Dovo for $55.99
    I think the fake Rolex analogy is spot on.
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    I agree completely my Dovo was 100+ if you look at the image on the link tho and look close its would appear to be the solingen logo which leads me more to believe that its a knock off and it probably didn't come shave ready.

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