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  1. #1
    Texan Member
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    Austin, TX
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    Default Hello from Austin, Tx

    Hi All,

    Been on the site for just a little while now, feeling my way around.

    Seems like a great resource and a wonderful environment.

    No questions for now that haven't been answered by the posts that are out there, but I'll be sure to shout out if I have a question I can't find the answer to.

    I've been shaving my head for around 11 or 12 years now - back when very few people were bald. Seems like a LOT of folks are bald now

    Currently using disposables and an electric razor and I'm moving slowly toward a DE razor for my head and ultimately to a straight razor for my face.

    Thanks to all who put the effort in - seems like a lost art that should have never been lost in the first place...

  2. #2
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, you'll find this a very friendly forum full of members always willing to help a new guy out. Ask any questions you have and enjoy.
    Why doesn't the taco truck drive around the neighborhood selling tacos & margaritas???

  3. #3
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Howdy Tex! Welcome! What mjhammer says below! Down there V
    Last edited by sharptonn; 04-03-2012 at 01:56 AM.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  4. #4
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard!!

    Straight razor shaving is about the best thing to happen to shaving for me ever!!

    Man I used to hate to shave, it was something had to be done, but no one ever told me it could be a joy if approached in the right way.

    Now I look forward to shaving every chance I get, it's just that sometimes I get such a great shave that it takes 2 days before I really NEED to shave again.

    Sure beats the old way.

    Glad to have ya!!

    ​-- Any day I get out of bed, and the first thing out of my mouth is not a groan, that's going to be a good day --

  5. #5
    Eagle-eyed Zephyr's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP alaghon, when you start to get the hang of straight shaving there's nothing wrong shaving you mug with a straight as well, feels a little awkward the first times, but it's surprisingly easy

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