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  1. #1
    Member Seguragr's Avatar
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    Hello from New Mexico:

    I wanted to drop in and introduce myself because I feel like I will be on this forum pretty frequently. I have never shaved with a straight razor before, but I have decided that I want to learn. In my search for information on the subject, I came across a number of fairly informative websites, but I never imagined that there would be a web forum for straight razor shaving, until I stumbled across this wonderful place this morning.

    Right now I am a full time college student, about to graduate and move into a career. I guess I feel like straight razor shaving, for me, is a part of growing up and moving into the adult stage of my life. I hate disposable razors with a passion and disposable cartridges even more. I have gone through phases in my life where I would just refuse to shave because I didn't want to have to spend the $40 for a pack of cartridges that I was just going to throw away anyway (and which were probably going to just tear up my face since I tend to use them longer than I should). After learning about straight razor shaving, I think it will be a good way for me to reduce my waste and it could turn into a pretty cool hobby.

    As I said, at this point I know virtually nothing about straight razor shaving, but have been using shaving soap and a boar bristle brush to prep my face for a shave with my disposable cartridges. I look forward to browsing the obvious wealth of knowledge available on this forum and I look forward to meeting those of you who are willing to help me develop my skills in this area.

    I also hope to maybe use this forum as an opportunity to meet others in NM who are into straight razor shaving, because I don't even know where to start. My big challenge at this point is money to get started. I have read some postings from people saying that everything they use to shave cost them only $50 (not bad at all) and others stating that it was more like $500 (way too rich for my blood . . . no pun intended). I was hoping maybe some Albuquerque locals could point me in a good direction for finding some decent beginner equipment (or maybe some kind enthusiast would part with an unused blade). I know a lot of members recommend antique stores to find good razors, but I honestly wouldn't even know where to begin looking here.

    Again, I look forward to meeting you all (especially those of you living in my area of the world), and thanks in advance for answering all of the stupid questions that are sure to come.
    Last edited by Seguragr; 04-07-2012 at 04:37 PM.

  2. #2
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!
    glad to see a young guy going straight. as for all the stuff you need ... try our vendors corner as well as the classifieds... but your best chance (lowest price) for a decent entry kit of razor and strop is probably and for the brush and soap try your local drug stores, walmart or target. when you have had a little time to learn or more cash then start looking at fancy soaps and creams and maybe a new razor.


  3. #3
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    One good place to check, if you haven't already is Model Pharmacy ( Welcome To Model Pharmacy ). I have bought some DE blades there in the past and they do carry shave supplies. I haven't been back in since I started using a straight so I'm not sure what they carry in the way of straight razor shaving.

  4. #4
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    Hello I'm also living in albuquerque NM and I'm looking for someone to teach me the art of the straight razor shave. I have no experience but I've always wanted to learn. I don't do hair I just want to learn to shave. If you have and information to pass along it would be awesome :-) thank you

  5. #5
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    A great guy to talk to when you are just starting out is Gabe over at Ace Barber shop acebarbershop505 . Gabe is the owner and has told me, if I even needed, to bring in my straight razor and he will do a shave with it to show you how to do it. He's also pretty damn good barber (don't let the youth/tattoos/beard make you think otherwise )

  6. #6
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    That's great thank you, I will contact him. I'm a young tattoo woman so I'm sure we can get along lol :-) I've been looking into some razors but have yet to purchase so maybe he can give me some advice on what to get and maybe let me observe to start. Being a woman I can not practice on myself so let's see how that goes lol thanks again

  7. #7
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    Default New Member from New Mexico

    Quote Originally Posted by amor6215 View Post
    That's great thank you, I will contact him. I'm a young tattoo woman so I'm sure we can get along lol :-) I've been looking into some razors but have yet to purchase so maybe he can give me some advice on what to get and maybe let me observe to start. Being a woman I can not practice on myself so let's see how that goes lol thanks again
    Not the same, but you can always practice on your legs! Double O

  8. #8
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP Very few people enter their location in there profile page but here are 6 in your area.....

    For a quality razor at a decent price your best bet is the SRP Classified Ads.

    Hope this helps
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  9. #9
    Member Seguragr's Avatar
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    Default New Member from New Mexico

    Thanks for the replies. I'll check into the model pharmacy. I finally found some bigelow cream at bath and body works, and my mom just brought me home a dovo straight from her recent trip to Germany. I'd love to get it re honed, but it honestly has been working pretty well out of the box, but I use a barbers hone to keep it sharp.

    I personally don't have a whole lot of advice, other than to read as much as you can here and to watch YouTube videos about shaving with a straight.

    I found that, for me, the key was learning to make a proper lather. Once I had that down the rest just fell into place. I spent a good few weeks blaming my technique when it turned out that at least part of the problem was that my lather was way too dry.

    People on here will recommend that you use an inexpensive cream or soap and to spend a few hours just mixing a lather a little at a time until it gets too runny. I didn't want to listen or waste any product, but ultimately this is what helped me realize my lather was too dry. I thought I was just about to make it too runny, when I was really stopping just short of getting it right.

    This takes time, patience and perseverance, but if you stick with it it becomes second nature.

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