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Thread: Hello Everybody!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Fort Campbell, Kentucky, United States
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    Default Hello Everybody!

    Hey! I'm Javier and I currently Live in Northern Tennesse/Southern Kentucky. I started geting facial hair at an early age and so, as with everything I delve into, I did research. Of course, I started with my dad's Gilette five bladed razor. But being into history as I am, I was interested in the older methods of shaving as more and more whiskers sprouted. I switched from a modern Gillette to an old Gillette safety razor. My brother started using a straight razor and I became interested in it as well though my parents aren't very keen on the thought. My brother would always walk out of the bathroom with a smooth face. Now that my bro's off to better things, I've taken up his razor. I was going to write a little report card blog on what I got right and wrong with each of my first shaves since I'm still learning. It would be a bit entertaining.

    I don't know where my razor was made though but the stamping looks pretty old. It says Ernst Witte on it and has the remnants of an etching saying WEY 'RA or something like that. It looks like it has Ivory Scales as well. I take very good care of it so don't worry. I might even start a collection of them.

    Glad to be here!


  2. #2
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    First off, we are glad to have you Javier! Lots of good guys here to pick their brains & feel free to pick mine if you can find it. There is no other shave that feels as good as a good straight razor shave, this is the main reason most of us are into it. It may take you a little bit to pick it all up and get it all right...but when it starts to comes together you will be hooked, then it only gets better.

    One last thing, if there are no didn't happen! Show that razor off buddy!

    Info on your razor:
    WITTE HDW. CO. ST. LOUIS MO. c1865-present Founded by Ernist Witte, other members of the firm in 1865 were: Frederick Schmieding, Frederick Wiebusch, and Frederick Witte. Mr. Wiebusch left and founded the F. Wiebusch & Company importing firm in New York City, and later the Challenge Cutlery COmpany. Originally called Ernist Witte & Company, and by 1882 it was the Witte Hardware Company.
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    Wullie (04-12-2012)

  4. #3
    Eager Rookie Ingiald's Avatar
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    Sounds like you got a fine razor there, as stated before, we like pictures around here.

  5. #4
    Member Biodoc100's Avatar
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    Welcome Javier, you will definitely grow to love straight shaving!

  6. #5
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    Name:  DSC08742.jpg
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    Full Side View

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    Barber's Notch point

    Name:  DSC08758.jpg
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    The view from the Point

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    Tang view 1

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    Tang view 2

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    Blade engravings (whatever does Wey'ra mean?)

    Name:  DSC08745.jpg
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    Close up of the Ernst Witte Stamp

    Here you go! Made myself a quick little light box using the Handy-dandy wiki this site has. Only used a top light as I didn't have any extra lights for the sides. I also used my dad's digital Sony Camera. Also used GIMP. Thanks for that too.

    I neglected to mention my favourite part last time. It has a "barber's notch" point that I think adds to the awesomeness of it. Though it has caused me some trouble I think I can work my way around it.
    ScottGoodman likes this.

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