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  1. #1
    Senior Member Silents's Avatar
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    Default 25 days and today was my first bloodless shave!

    Hello all,
    i'm Phil from Brooklyn, NY and have been a lurker for over a month. I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who has posted here for the information and experience. I started my straight razor quest with a Merit I purchased from Manah a little over a month ago and now my collection is up to 10 razors. I've made some purchases from reputable dealers and think I have gotten pretty lucky picking up a few from eBay. But it really wasn't that much luck. The information that all of you have shared has taught me what to look for and the qualities that make a great razor. So after many days of nicks and cuts and one REALLY BAD slice (I sneezed during and ATG) and dug the razor into my cheek), today I had my first bloodless shave. For the most part, I am getting closer to a BBS. But am struggling with my jawline. Any suggestions?

    Also, I just bought my first Naniwa 1200 hone and am contemplating a full set. Any suggestions on the others grits that I should get? I've purchased a clean, inexpensive ($23) Rodgers razor that I plan to practice on before I try to work on any of my rotation razors. Could anyone recommend an inexpensive "smile" razor to look for to practice on?

    Thanks again everyone!

  2. #2
    Junior Member Rambam's Avatar
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    You are a braver soul than I. I had my first bloodless shave yesterday albeit with a DE Razor...
    All hail the bloodless shave

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, sorry to hear from your cut, more still come

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