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Thread: Hello from AZ!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Hello from AZ!

    Hey all!

    I just wanted to introduce myself here. I'm new to the forum and to straight razor shaving. I just started out about a week ago on a brand new Theirs-Issard. Had my fair share of battle wounds so far ha. But since I've been reading on here and getting more practice in, the shaves have been getting progressively cleaner and more comfortable. Definitely looking forward to this long journey and talking with everybody on here!

  2. #2
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP from a fellow Arizonan. Patience is a virtue and given the proper time, you'll be rewarded soon with some of the best shaves of your life. Don't get discouraged if you suffer a setback from time to time, it happens to all of us at some point. Learn from your mistakes and most of all enjoy the journey.

  3. #3
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!
    battle wounds? where did you get your TI from? does it has the factory edge of was it made truly shave ready by an expert? wounds bads, little nicks and weepers not so bad.
    tell us more about your shave and razor prep and there might be pointers we can give.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by syslight View Post
    Welcome to SRP!
    battle wounds? where did you get your TI from? does it has the factory edge of was it made truly shave ready by an expert? wounds bads, little nicks and weepers not so bad.
    tell us more about your shave and razor prep and there might be pointers we can give.

    Battle wounds might have been an exaggeration ha. No, the only two semi bad cuts I've had we're both on my first shave. Both were a result of a neglect on shave preparation, and a misunderstanding of the angles.

    I purchased my Thiers-Issard from The Art of Shaving. It was close to shave ready, but I was experiencing some pulling and razor burn so I had it honed. Shaves amazingly now. I've also found that prepping individual parts of my face as I shave yields much better results as I am still pretty slow.

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