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  1. #1
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    Default hello from excited noob from Wisconsin

    hello -
    I've been 'lurking around' for about 2 weeks, then joined this forum about a week ago, but I haven't introduced myself yet.

    I ordered and received my first straight razors last week (DOVO 6/8 best quality and DOVO bismark 6/8 both from SRD) and had my 1st through 5th shave since. I've been a cartridge razor user for ... 20+ years. About 2-3 weeks ago I started using shaving soap instead of the stuff out of a can (so much better than the can).... I started this 'hobby' because I have always wanted to shave with a straight, I just never did it. So I finally jumped in with 2 it my mid-life crisis.. (and its a lot cheaper than a corvette)

    I confess that I didn't wait and I did my whole face on the first shave (contrary to the advice on this forum). Why didn't I listen? I don't know... it isn't so much a pride thing, it more of an excitement, curiosity, thing. But, I understand why you start slow...until you learn proper technique and how your razor feels/behaves it will take you an ungodly amount of time to shave - oh, and you'll probably cut yourself..

    My first shave was with the Bismark... I wanted the first shave to be with the "nice one" (not that the other one is bad). I want to learn more with the best quality for the most part, but I wanted #1 to be with the Bismark - Like I said I did my whole face and I proceeded to filet myself with the point about 5 times, and it took me about 2.5 hrs to shave. It was fun (and learned a few things the hard way), and I couldn't wait for more the next day... and the quality of the shave was better than what I got from the cartridge. witch hazel and some lotion afterwards.

    Day 2, i used the Best Quality, I took what I learned the day before, it went a little better...only 90 min and one "slice".
    Stropping... well... I have been practicing with my pocket knife on an old belt, then with the strop when it arrived. So after the shave I tried to strop... real razor this time on the strop... Funny.. I put the razor on the strop for the first pass and nicked the strop before I even started. I seem to nick it once a day so now I have 5 small nicks... looks like I have some more practicing to do. witch hazel and lotion afterwards

    Day 3 (best quality) went took about 45min with only some small nicks... but boy my face was toast like I rubbed sandpaper over my face... so I gave it a rest for 3 days. witch hazel and lotion.

    Yesterday, (#4- best quality) went great! Some small nicks...and about 30-40 min and my technique is vastly improved from shave #1 and confidence is getting better but there is still much, much,....., much more room for improvement. witch hazel.. forgot the lotion..

    I am starting to worry my stropping technique is not good.. I am either thinking too hard about it or not concentrating enough... The strop is tight, but I do catch myself putting pressure (on the spine side and a few times I noticed it sounded like I was putting pressure on the edge) so I stop and start again ...telling myself no pressure... I'm trying to stay disciplined and concentrating on going slow and doing it right... but I am completely paranoid about wrecking the edge - which I'm pretty sure I have done some damage to it. I am also paranoid about rusting... I clean my razor hot water and soap, dry it with toilet paper (scales too, careful around the edge never going across it.... then mineral oil the whole thing and put it back in the case...

    Today, I learned something important - don't rush shaving with a straight - these razors bring a whole new meaning to SHARP ....I know I keep mentioning "time"... and straight razors and time should probably NEVER be put together. Anyway, I looked at my Gillette Fusion this morning and the little voice in my head said "use it... your gonna be late for work". Did I listen? no. Now I have 2 little reminders one on each cheek (just like Inago Montoya from The Princess Bride movie - well not that bad, but enough that I felt them when I got myself - and the "pink soap" wasn't so pink). nothing afterwards today...

    Nevertheless, I'm gonna rest my face again for a couple of days, but I can't wait to shave again.

    My brain and conventional wisdom is screaming at me that I'm taking this all way too fast... and that I should go back and start over following the advice to start slow and only do a partial shave. I know this is a long learning curve and I look forward to getting better over time... but I am impatient to an extent, I guess I just want to shave my whole face with a straight.

    am I doing anything wrong? (going too fast, bad maintenance, stropping, etc)


  2. #2
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. Your intro is very similar to that of a lot of new shavers. Don't be in a hurry to get the best and smoothest shave, those come in time. Relax and enjoy the journey, this is not a race. Just remember the advice given here is just that, advice learned through trial and error. Part of the fun of our little hobby is learning what works for you and what does not. Little cuts or weepers come with the territory, but IME, the worst cuts I've endured come from forgetting where the edge is when switching hands, I sliced my fingers numerous times in the beginning. Get comfortable shaving small portions with a straight and finish with your previous method of shaving. Gradually add new areas as you gain confidence. For me, it took a couple of months before I could shave with just a straight razor. Have fun on your journey and keep us posted.

    P.S. Ditch the fusion and invest in a double edge razor. Great shaves at less than half the cost of cartridges for the times when you're rushed and don't have time for a proper shave.

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  4. #3
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    +1 to ReardenSteel's advice about doing the simple parts with the straight and finishing with your previous technology. His transition was faster than my own; I took about 4 months to be comfortable steering the straight blade over my whole face and neck.

    I'd suggest that you put away the razor that currently feels sharper and just use the other one for now. That way, when you start to wonder if the razor isn't sharp enough to shave with any more, you can pull out the other and be reminded of how sharp it should feel. The degradation is so gradual that you don't really notice it for a while, like with eyeglass prescriptions. Also, if you stagger the use that way, you'll always have a decently sharp blade in house when you send the other out for honing.

    Does that 6/8 Bismarck have a thumb notch? If so, I've got the same blade but in a lower finish level, and think it's the best affordable design out there now. The ergonomics are perfect for me. Thiers-Issard has the same shape in its top-end blades, but those are well out of my price range.

    Most important: Welcome to SRP! We're glad to see another new shaver here.

    Best wishes to you.

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    napispooler (06-15-2012)

  6. #4
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Hello, napispooler, and welcome to Straight Razor Place. You're starting off with fine products. The rest of it just study and practice. I am down here in Milwaukee. If you need some personal assistance, or if you have a question, you are more than welcome to send me a personal message. We're delighted to have you with us.

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    napispooler (06-15-2012)

  8. #5
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Yes, it does have a thumb notch.

  9. #6
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    thanks for the warm welcome.. I look forward the journey, I'm gonna follow your advice and slow down, revisit Lynn's article, and store the Bismarck for later.

    as for ditching the fusion...unfortunately I went to Sam's Club a couple of months ago and dropped some $ on a 20 pack (I just opened it up 2 weeks ago and the 20pk will probably last me 6 mos) .. too late to return 'em, so I'll probably stick with it for a bit...I hope that in a few months it won't be much of an issue.

  10. #7
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    Hi, napispooler, and welcome to SRP. We've got the most knowledgeable cutthroat crowd on the net. You are off to a great start. You can't go wrong being patient with yourself. See you in the trenches!

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