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  1. #1
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    Default Hello Fellow Straight Razor Shavers!

    Ended up posting this in the wrong place the first time.....
    My name is Taylor and I just started using a straight razor (albeit a disposable one to see if I actually liked it) two days ago and have already ordered 6/8" Sheffield Hollow Ground Straight Razor Taylor Witness."The 1000" off of ebay. I know it will definitely need to be professionally honed and worked over a bit (there is some minor chipping on the blade itself but very very minor). I only paid 30 shipped so I figured it was a steel.
    I am already looking to find another razor (so I can keep a rotation and in case this razor isn't salvageable) but don't really know where to start. So I came the best place I could find, which is here! If you have any information or tips for me I would greatly appreciate them.

    Also I do not own any strops or stones so advice on which to buy and where to buy them would be great!


    - Taylor

  2. #2
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    Greetings, Taylor, and welcome to SRP. I have to tell you, I just love your attitude! Several SRP members are also vendors. AS far as purchasing another razor, I do not want to play favourites and possibly upset other deserving vendors, so I suggest you look in the SRP classifieds section.
    Strop: many senior members suggest getting a first strop from If your finances permit, I suggest getting the leather/linen combination strop. It's relatively inexpensive (I think it's about $25). Get the 3-inch wide one. This way you do not have to learn the "X-pattern" for stropping/honing just yet. Besides, you WILL scratch/cut/mar/nick/bend/fold/staple/spindle/mutilate/amputate/decapitate your first strop. DON'T PANIC! It happens to every rookie, and even some of us more experienced shavers. Heck, I nicked mine 2 weeks ago, and SWMBO still won't let me live it down.
    Hones: learn to strop correctly first. If you are dead set on acquiring one immediately, the Norton 4000/8000 combination water hone is considered an SRP standard. By that I mean that most people who hone their own blades have one, and I've yet to read anything negative about them. Again, check the SRP Classifieds for this. Alternatively, you can check out eBay as well. Figure on spending ~$90 U.S. for this item.
    Sorry to be so long-winded. See you in the trenches!

  3. #3
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    Thanks for all of the advice!
    Unfortunately the website does have the particular strop you suggested. They only have a leather one with no linen. I am looking on various websites to try and find one that isn't around $75...

    As far as the honing stone, I really just want to everything proper to extend the life of my blades without having to send them off constantly. I have found that stone online for 80 so not too bad considering I am not buying a brand new $100-$150 razor.

    I will check definitely check the classifieds for some razors, as well as continue checking ebay (I have found some really nice Wade and Butchers that claim to be "shave ready")
    And never fear about being long winded, if this stuff was easy and didn't require a lot of info I doubt this forum would be doing so well.

  4. #4
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    I've a little more ACCURATE info for you. I just checked out -- the strop I recommended for you is called the "Rich Man's Strop" selling for $60 U.S. Sorry about the mix-up because I was going on memory and I had a CRS moment (Can't Remember Squat). Maybe I did take one too many head shots...
    As I posted earlier, many members recommend the Poor Boy's strop for beginners. Senior SRP member gssixgun does write that it is possible to learn how to strop properly without ruining your first strop. May I respectfully suggest that you PM him and ask him for his input? He's a really first-class kind of fellow!
    eBay occasionally has barber hones listed for sale. You must be VERY CAREFUL when considering these. I've notices Swaty hones selling for ~$50 U.S. I will let a much more experienced honemeister give you their opinion on this subject.
    See you in the trenches!

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. There is much to be found on the pages here, and never hesitate to ask questions. It would be helpful if you let folks know where you are located, as there may be a member near by who can lend a teaching hand. Another possible alternative for an inexpensive first strop would be to look at He sells a Filly Strop for $22, it is a great first/practice/travel strop. It's not fancy, but it's decent leather with a paste on the back side. For just a little more, you can upgrade to a leather/fabric strop in either cow or horse for $40/$55 respectively. I personally started out with a Filly and it worked great, but I soon upgraded to a much more expensive strop.

    Keep in mind that with respect to strops and razors, you don't know yet what you don't know. There are lots of variables in both of these that may lead you to want to try various styles (width of strop, material of strop/width of blade, grind of blade). The important thing is not to let yourself get overwhelmed by all of this such that you lose focus on the most important part of straight razor shaving: you should enjoy the daily ritual and even have fun!

    Best of luck.


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