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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Hello from Ontario (Canada)

    Good day all,

    Little autobio: I'm 22 years old, currently a Naval Cadet (I guess the American equivalent in the USN is Midshipman) in the Royal Canadian Navy. Only about 5 months until I finish my degree, commissioning and posting to my first ship. I've been in the military now for six years, joined the reserves when I was 16, so naturally, I have been shaving daily for some time now.

    Started off at 14 with the evil goop they try to pass of as aerosol shaving cream at the pharmacy. Dabbled in my un-educated youth in multiple bladed razors until about three years ago when my dad gave me the kick in the pants to go back to simpler razors (read 1-2 blade cartridge). Since then I have been looking for a better way to shave, as I have unnaturally thick facial hair and would blunt a cartridge razor in less then a dozen shaves.

    On a whim while shopping for some cigars while on leave I purchased a DOVO Solingen cut-throat razor, over payed for it for sure, but at the time I was something that interested me. I never properly did the research needed about shaving or maintaining such a razor and after a few weeks, it found itself sitting in my sock drawer. But the purchase of the blade spurred forward an interest in proper wet shaving. Since then I have tossed my Gillet Sensor II for a Merkur DE, pitched the can of vile aerosol shaving cream for soap & brush and have been refining my DE shaving technique.

    Now you as the reader (I hope there is at least one or two that have exhibited the willpower to read up to this point) might be wondering what ever happened to that poor straight razor, which has languished for ages with only socks for company. Well, during a move to a new apartment, my better half happened upon the lonely DOVO and inquired to why I was not using it. Reciting my explanation to her on why I spent an absurd amount of money on it ("But dear, think of all the money I will save not having to buy endless amounts of cartridges!"), she incited me to do some research and put my purchase to my face at least a couple times a week. To my slight dismay, my razor needs ether a honing or a good stropping, items I have now learned I should look into and has developed a little bit of pitting / rust, some of it on the edge itself.

    So, that is the back story on how I eventually came across this website and forum. I have been blown away with how awesome the community here is and the shear amount of collective information found on one site. Anyway, I am rather excited to read-up and learn some more information and maybe at some point, start shaving with a straight razor when time permits in the morning.

  2. #2
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP from another Canadian. Feel free to ask lots of questions we are here to help. And send out that razor and get it honed up.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Welcome to the forum. Get that razor cleaned up and sent out for honing. The are lots of tips on rejuvenating a razor yourself here. If it is light rust/staining it should be fairly easy. Hows life in the "Gunroom" these days?


  4. #4
    < Banned User >
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    Hello, Ace, and welcome to SRP! We're sure glad to have you aboard. There are many cutthroat shavers in Ontario who would be willing to help you out.

  5. #5
    Si vis pacem para bellum Crzylizard's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, from your southern neighbor!
    - Jeremy -
    A year from now, you'll wish you had started today.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Mcbladescar's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard ... You can learn alot here ... watch for another Toronto meet up in the fall.


  7. #7
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Welcome and Enjoy!!

    Have fun

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Thank you all for the replies and warm welcome!

    @TrilliumLT: Thanks for the tip about Maxi, I will most certainly be sending my razor off once he returns in August.

    @BobH: The "gunroom" is good as usual, not much changes in the navy and the things that do are rather slow haha.

    @Lynn: Thank you for the welcome and I hope to take my shaving to the next level of enjoyment.

    Looking forward to a meet up in Toronto, I'm stationed right now in Kingston, but born and raised in the "center of the universe"

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