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Thread: A Hello w/ several pictures

  1. #1
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    Default A Hello w/ several pictures

    Greetings everyone, I'm a medium-term lurker who finally decided to take the plunge thanks to some well-timed gifts from family. I converted from electric razors to DE Safety razors about 1-2 years ago. The improvement in my quality of shaves has been at least a full 100%. My entire shaving life I had constant irritation and ingrown hairs on my neck and that has been a thing of the past since switching to wet-shaving with both new and vintage DE razors. Even with that success I had an interest in straight razors for some time and I recently had a birthday and some wonderful family provided me with some start-up equipment which I wanted to share with the community for feedback.

    First up, to show you what I'm coming from, here are a couple of images of my DE collection.
    First, my 'dry' (non-used and thus less humid) bathroom display rack for some of my everyday shavers
    Name:  straights 005.jpg
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    Second, my current daily rotation:
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    Finally, the gifts I received last week. The scuttle is actually mine- a dirty bird 1.5 which I love... Then a paddle strop from Straight Razor Designs and a Boker 5/8, half-hollow, stainless with olive wood scales also from SRD. Also, family sent along a 'new' used once or twice Dovo 6/8, full-hollow, stainless with ebony wood scales- not sure where the Dovo was purchased as it is newish (bought 5-7 years ago) and never used by the family member who bought it. The Boker obviously came ready to shave from SRD. The Dovo was supposedly 'shave-ready' at one point but I'm not so sure about its current state.
    Name:  straights 016.jpg
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    So anyways, today I used the Boker to shave the flat areas of my face mostly from my sideburns down to the edge of my jaw. Managed to get a fairly close shave through multiple days of growth with no cuts or nicks...granted over a small and very simple area of my face. I did manage to use both my right and left hands but it was slow and not so steady.... I figure until I can get smooth, comfortable, and confident with the easiest parts of my face there is no reason to turn my chin and neck into hamburger so I finished them up with one of my DE razors.

    So finally a few comments and questions for the very generous community here at SRP: First, I have to say, I was impressed that I was able to shave anything I hadn't been very hopeful, plus I had a good deal of facial hair growth. Despite the fact that I'm sure the Boker came very very sharp I felt that the razor did pull a bit or it simply wasn't as smooth of a feel as my DE razors... I'll assume my timid/beginners form plus the possibility that even my very slow, gentle, careful stropping might have some how dulled the edge. Finally, a question, with the Boker being stainless, do I need to oil between daily uses if it is thoroughly dried? or is that only for storage or the daily care of non-stainless blades?

    Ok...I know that's a ton of writing...thanks for bearing with me!

    P.S. Family also sent along the DVD from Lynn which I have watched...and found very helpful.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to nkda1819 For This Useful Post:

    Hirlau (07-24-2012), mapleleafalumnus (07-24-2012)

  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Beautiful collection, you're off and running.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. #3
    < Banned User >
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    Very nice collection. Welcome to SRP!

  5. #4
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Wow - two great razors right out of the gate. Nice!

    One thing we can rule out right away is that the Boker was sharp when you got it. Now if you dulled it on the sink, strop, or where ever is anyone’s guess BUT, you might not have dulled it at all. Angle is huge, and if you took it at an angle that was too steep - that can cause pulling too. Play with the angles a bit and see what happens.

    As for oiling your blade - well if you can get into the habit early, stainless or not, it can't hurt. That said I have a stainless Fili that you could say I almost neglected and I saw no ill effects from not oiling it up even with me leaving it in my den expose to the moisture in there for a while. I think if you are going to rotate between the two blades though - oiling shouldn't be that big of a need so long as you dry it well!

    Congratulations and welcome to SRP and straight razors!!

  6. #5
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    BTW - nice collection of DE's!

  7. #6
    The Razor Talker parkerskouson's Avatar
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    Awesome Collection!!!!
    "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." Thomas Jefferson

  8. #7
    Senior Member Mike1969's Avatar
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    You have a very nice collection!! Welcome to SRP!!

  9. #8
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. Based on your photos, I say you'll fit in quite nicely here. It can't hurt to get in the habit of oiling your razors, better safe than sorry. Ask any other questions you have and enjoy. Oh and make sure you make room for RAD which should be along very very soon.

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReardenSteel View Post
    Welcome to SRP. Based on your photos, I say you'll fit in quite nicely here. It can't hurt to get in the habit of oiling your razors, better safe than sorry. Ask any other questions you have and enjoy. Oh and make sure you make room for RAD which should be along very very soon.
    Marshal ReardenSteel is quite likely accurate in his prediction of the RAD onset. Hmmmm...seems to be an epidemic of that around here!
    earcutter likes this.

  11. #10
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mapleleafalumnus View Post
    Marshal ReardenSteel is quite likely accurate in his prediction of the RAD onset. Hmmmm...seems to be an epidemic of that around here!
    Uhhhh, have you seen his collection of DE's LOL. I think he's in on the AD's!!

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