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Thread: Older but Newbe to straight razor shaving

  1. #31
    Senior Member Sunbird's Avatar
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    Hi Jim,
    It is disappointing to read about your unfortunate experience with the DOVO green holder and Personna blade. My blade sits comfortably in the green holder with about 1/16th of an inch of blade exposed which then smoothly slides into the shavette as it should. Removal is also easy. If I flick the blade to rinse water off, the holder and blade slide out.
    I have never cut myself with this combination so I am very surprised to read about your adventure. I have just purchased a new digital camera. Taking some shots of my setup would be a good project. All indications are that the blade might not have been installed properly. Please do not give up just yet. I am confident it will work out in the end. Remember that there must not be any pressure on the blade, just let it glide through those whiskers!

    Video of Shavette with green holder and Personna blade showing what it looks like inserted.

    MFW, green shavette insert and persona long blades - YouTube

    Red holder.
    Last edited by Sunbird; 08-12-2012 at 09:33 AM. Reason: Add video

  • #32
    Junior Member stevenamills's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jgthomas11 View Post
    Over all I was not at all impressed and with the green insert and the Personna blade, well... I'd call it the shave from Hell! I assume those with a higher skill level would not have the problems that I faced.

    Sorry to hear about the problems with the Dovo Shavette. Are you still using the replaceable blade straights or have you gone back to DE safety? I finally put down the Parker SR1 when my brother sent me our grandfather's Gillette SuperSpeed that he had in a drawer collecting dust. It's in fairly decent shape and gives a great shave with the Gillette Platinum blades that I received for Father's Day. For now, I am letting my face heal. Maybe I'll take another shot at straight razors when I can afford to invest in a real straight and strop.

    Thanks for the update.


  • #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevenamills View Post

    Sorry to hear about the problems with the Dovo Shavette. Are you still using the replaceable blade straights or have you gone back to DE safety? I finally put down the Parker SR1 when my brother sent me our grandfather's Gillette SuperSpeed that he had in a drawer collecting dust. It's in fairly decent shape and gives a great shave with the Gillette Platinum blades that I received for Father's Day. For now, I am letting my face heal. Maybe I'll take another shot at straight razors when I can afford to invest in a real straight and strop.

    Thanks for the update.


    I am still forging ahead, though with some trepidation! Overall I like my original shavette better but the jury is still out... I guess. I will work with the Dovo some more before I give it the final boot.

    I have a real SR on the way and should see it this week. Also ordered a strop along with another shaving soap and a cream. Had to get the soap and cream to feed my SAD!

    Good luck with the new razor! I guess it would be accurate to say I still prefer the DE's that I have over the SR but that may change as I become more proficient with a straight. The DE's provide a much more relaxing shave (for me) and do a real good job at it.


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