Quote Originally Posted by AbrahamSandwich View Post
I see... thanks for the advice. I will certainly look into that. After a razor is honed and shave ready, can it be kept that way for a long time with proper stropping? Or is honing a semi-regular routine? And finally, I often go a week or more without shaving, what's the story on blade oil? Should I be using it? I hope I'm not burying you with questions. When I take up a new hobby I have a tendency to jump in with both feet...
Abraham, you may ask as many questions as you wish; we're all here to help one another!
Proper stropping can keep a well-honed blade going for a long time. Obviously, variables such as how often one shaves, beard toughness, water hardness, and type of steel all make for differing durations. However, proper stropping makes a world of difference re: edge longevity. In the past, I've been able to go as long as 12 months between honing sessions, and that was shaving 3-4 times per week. Most shavers here usually hone their blades much more often than that, however. It seems that every 20-30 shaves appears to be the norm.
Oil: some do, some don't. If I don't plan on shaving for a few weeks or a month (i.e. hunting season), I coat mine with mineral oil (NEVER GET IT ON THE SCALES!!!). Others use other oils -- eucalyptus oil is popular with the Aussies. I've even read of one member using WD-40! In short, oiling your blade does help. If you plan on doing so, NEVER GET IT ON THE SCALES!!!
BTW, pics of your gear are always welcome here! We call it "razor porn"!
See you in the trenches, buddy!