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  1. #1
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    Smile A show about a razor gang got me into SR shaving!

    G'day from Australia!

    My name is Matt and I was very pleased and surprised to find such an excellent website/forum on the subject of straight razor shaving.

    I just finished watching a television series that was released on local TV here called Underbelly - Razor. (Underbelly: Razor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) It is the true story of a criminal mastermind by the name of Tilly Devine and was based in Sydney (very close to me), Australia in the 1930's (I think). It featured the rise of razor gangs, gangs that carried straight razors as a means to intimidate and hurt enemies and opponents - the idea being that it was legal to carry a straight razor as it is for shaving.

    So it inspired me to go down to the local barber to get a SR shave, barbers can perform SR shaves here but must use the disposable blade type SR for infection control. All I can say is WOW. There was just something about the experience that I couldn't put my finger on. It was awesome and I was straight away hooked. So I went down to the local 'Shaver shop' and bought a cheap Wahl with provision for disposable blades to practice on myself before purchasing a proper SR. My Barber told me that the proper SR just cannot be beaten and he would use a proper one if it wasn't for the infection control laws. So I am still a complete newbie and my next step I imagine would be to go further into the beginner forums and look for proper tutorials.

    If I gain competence I plan to buy a Dovo Solingen mother of pearl, 16mm SR. It is all that my local shaver shop offers - Cut Throats - Shaver Shop. I imagine the price is a bit high and I could buy it cheaper from America or ebay but I don't mind buying locally. Can anyone recommend the Dovo Solingen?

    Anyway, nice to meet you all!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    G'Day Matt and welcome to SRP.
    You won't get a better online resource than this for anything wet shaving related.
    If I had my time over I'd get a vintage blade from the classifieds here or look for johnmrson on ebay and go from there.
    Oz (onimaru55) is in Sydney, however, I don't know if he sells razors.
    I have a Wosty that is almost identical to one of the ones featured in the series and it is a beauty.
    Read lots, use the search bar and library and ask questions - we're all here to help
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

  3. #3
    Senior Member tbert33's Avatar
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    Default Re: A show about a razor gang got me into SR shaving!

    Hi MattAUS

    Im new to the SR game too but you have found a great place and everyone who i have spoken to has been great.

    I can highly recommend buying a second hand razor from ebay and sending it off to one of our members. Ive done this and im due to receive it back tomorrow. Since the restore my razor looks ace. Its cheaper than a new one and you get something that has a bit of history behind it. Also if youre buying new you may even still need to send it to a honemeister to be honed to truly shave ready.

    Here is a before and after pic of mine.. And its been far cheaper than a new one

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    Name:  uploadfromtaptalk1347290103855.jpg
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Eekspa's Avatar
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    Welcome Matt,
    If it's quality information you are looking for, you have found the best forum available. As a newby myself, I have been overwhelmed by the old timers here that share super information without looking down their noses at folks like you an I.

    In fact I just purchased a razor from one of your countrymen off of this forum (johnmrson). I too looked at a lot of razors on E-Bay, and may do as Tbert has done in the future, but I wanted a good quality shaver to fall back on.

    Make sure you read all the information provided by this forum that you can and you won't go wrong.

    Have a g'day mate, U.J.
    Any day on this side of the flowers is a good day!

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