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  1. #1
    Junior Member markenki's Avatar
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    Default greetings from another KKF member

    Hello folks,

    I recently started learning how to use a straight razor, and still have a long way to go. I'm active
    on Kitchen Knife Forums, and it was a thread on there that got me started on straights. (I'm still cursing the person who started that thread.) I recognize some of folks here from KKF (hi guys!).

    I started with the "sight unseen deal" from Whipped Dog, and am having a very hard time following Glen's advice to take it slow. Another razor is already on its way to me, and I haven't even successfully shaved my whole face with a straight yet! Oh well. I also have Lynn's DVD on the way.

    Happy to be here, and wanted to thank the community for the wealth of information it provides.



  2. #2
    < Banned User >
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    Welcome Aboard!...Lynn's video should help as well...time and patience will help you get better

  3. #3
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Mark, Welcome to SRP!! "a very hard time taking it slow". Again, welcome brother!! I think it's baked into some us to just go for it!! I'm certainly one of those, and I can show you the receipts to prove it. I can also show you the boxes of items I'm not using to back up those receipts. It's really hard to control the impulses to get and try everything, but it's expensive. If you can, really, take it at least a little slow. Anything I thought about, and I think anything you'll consider has already been tried and tested by our members. Asking and researching the info already on SRP can, and will save you some dollars and frustration! This is a good read Straight Razor Place Wiki - Straight Razor Place Wiki and there is so much more. If we can ever be of assistance, don't hesitate to contact us, and if we don't have the answer, we'll know someone that probably will. Again, Welcome and glad to have you as a member!!!


  4. #4
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    welcome to SRP, check out the WIKI for information on how to get started with the hobby.
    Never hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    I am also a newbe but in the few short days I have been on SRP I have been given alot of good advice. Any help you may need you can find here. I am also jumping in with both feet but I have always been a collector. I have a "small" knife collection which is what lead me hear in the first place. I love the vintage blades and the history that goes with them. I already own two straights and find myself looking for my next one. There is a lot out there and fairly inexpensive. Especially if you don't mind doing a little work bringing them back to life. For me that is part of the fun. So let's keep the old way alive.

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