Thanks again everyone.

I'm still pondering straight vs DE. I found an interesting article earlier raising a couple of points that I hadn't seen before regarding the differences.

The advantages of straight when compared to DE were given as the control that you have over the blade angle, the blade being longer leading to fewer strokes and that hollow ground blades are slightly more "pliant" allowing it to flex for small variations in the skin.

Against this the disadvantages were listed as the blade being much more dangerous, the maintenance required for a straight razor and the difference in shave time (if you take this to be a disadvantage).

This came from SuperiorShave.

I found this advice quite helpful because I'd mostly read comparisons giving some kind of "zen satisfaction" as the main advantage of the straight razor.

Regarding barber's hones, is there anywhere in the UK that would be good to get them from? I'm beginning to feel as though it will be a £40 difference between a barber's hone and a Japanese full size stone and that in the long run I'll be better spending the extra few quid.

Thanks again.