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Thread: New SR Shaver in NW Arkansas

  1. #1
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    Default New SR Shaver in NW Arkansas

    Hi everybody, my name is Kevin Smith and I am already addicted to my new hobby of shaving with a SR! I live in Fayetteville AR and during the day I am a unicycle riding, knife-juggling, fire-breathing, ballroom dance instructor who likes to start each morning with a jog around the neighborhood on my jumping stilts. I think it's safe to say that I collect unusual hobbies

    About a month ago my best friend, his Russian fiancée and I went down to Texas for a concert by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. She is a classically trained pianist and they were doing a Russian composers show, so it seemed like a perfect activity.

    Being somewhat new to the whole American consumerism thing she was spellbound by the large malls down in Dallas. After we spent literally more than 8 hours following her from store to store we were just about to leave for the concert when we passed an Art of Shaving store. Chris knew that I was going to have to go inside because I had been talking about wanting to learn to shave with a straight razor since we were in the Boy Scouts together as kids.

    Since we were in a rush I didn't have as much time as I would have wanted to talk to the people in the store, but I ended up buying a Dovo Shavette to start learning with. I figured this would make sense because I could practice with a blade that I always knew would be as sharp as possible and not learn any bad habits with a blade I had inadvertently dulled due to my lack of knowledge about stropping etc.

    Within a few weeks I was hooked and came here to purchase my first "real" razor - an antique Tivoli with beautiful scrollwork down the spine. I am really loving shaving with a straight and was so excited to find such a thriving community of likeminded people online!

    Name:  Tivoli Straight Razor.jpg
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Welcome, and that's a very nice straight you've got there. I think your Shavette days are over now that you have this beauty! Good luck, there's lots to learn, and endless knowledge from the gentlemen on this site.

  3. #3
    Pha Tat Luang dustoff003's Avatar
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    Aloha and Welcome. I am new also, that is a beautiful razor have you used it yet? How would you compare the true straight to the Shavette? I went straight to a straight, today was day two and all is well.


  4. #4
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    Welcome here, your tivoli is beautiful!!!

  5. #5
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    Well, I just met member Tylerbrycen, who graciously offered to come over and answer any questions I had and is also going to give my blade a nice fresh honing! What an excellent group of people I have stumbled upon!

    And thank you all for the compliments on my razor. I'm a big fan of the Stephen King series The Dark Tower, which features a gunslinger from an ancient world. Roses are a major element in this series, so when I saw the design of this razor I thought to myself, "Maybe Roland would have used a razor like this one..."

    I love the fact that it is old and undoubtedly has some sort of history but I don't have the slightest idea what it might be. If anybody has any knowledge about this type of razor that would be awesome to hear!

  6. #6
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    Hey Tuxeed- Glad to see another Arkansan here on SRP! Unfortunately, I don't think there are too many of us lurking on here... Tylerbrycen has been a big help to me as well, so make sure to learn all you can from him!

    Also, join the Arkansans group! Gotta build up our member base

  7. #7
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    Hello, that's a great looking blade you got there! Ask any questions at all; we all know there will be, we all had them, so feel free.
    Mastering implies there is nothing more for you to learn of something... I prefer proficient enough to not totally screw it up.

  8. #8
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    Ooh, an Arkansans group... checking now!

  9. #9
    Senior Member Baxxer's Avatar
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    Silent Bob?...if that's you, say hi to Jay from me.

  10. #10
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    No, unfortunately that's not me. Can you believe that there is actually more than one person in the world with the name Kevin Smith?!?

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