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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Ontario, Canada
    Thanked: 5

    Default Time to introduce myself


    My name is Patrick and I am “new” to this forum and wet shaving. Eighteen years ago, I bought a cheap brush and some Gillette cream and gave it a try. Lack of experience and information, and money forced me to give up. I did not feel like I was missing much because I did not have much to shave to begin with, and was lucky to be able to shave against the growth with a two-blade disposable razor without any razor burn. Most of the time, I would not even use an after shave balm.

    I would have continued to do the same had I not come across this forum while looking for ways to improve my knife sharpening skills. All of a sudden I was brought back to when I was having a haircut as a kid in my native country. After each cut, the barber would take his straight razor and strop it. I can still hear the sound of the razor on the strop 30 years later.

    Within two weeks, I have bought a synthetic brush, a badger brush, a safety razor, blades, and some soap and cream. I have to slow down my number of shave, otherwise I could end up with no skin on my face.

    I am not ready to make the jump to straight razor yet for I currently cannot bring enough time to the table. It’s just a matter of when though.

  2. #2
    Senior Member livingontheedge's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP Patrick. I think learning to lather before starting with a straight razor, will make your switch that much eaisier when the time comes. Many members started with a DE, and like you became 'straight curious' but still use their DEs on occasion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
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    Quote Originally Posted by livingontheedge View Post
    Welcome to SRP Patrick. I think learning to lather before starting with a straight razor, will make your switch that much eaisier when the time comes. Many members started with a DE, and like you became 'straight curious' but still use their DEs on occasion.

    Thank you. So far, I have been experimenting with building lather and which DE blade works best for me. For example, I have noticed that I don't really like the shaving cream from Body Shop. I don't really like Kaloderma by itself, but love it when it's used with a glycerin soap.

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