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Thread: Another QLDer

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    East of Brisbane
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    Default Another QLDer

    Since there seem to be so many new members from Brisbane, I thought I'd register too and introduce myself. I actually live in the Redlands, but grew up in Brisbane, used to live in Redbank and my inlaws live in Redcliffe, so I consider myself a local to a lot of you.

    I've just bought a Robeson Sure Edge 15-L-400 off eBay, which I'm planning to restore before I start using it. I built myself a skin on frame kayak from scratch last year, so I'm no stranger to DIY. My only experience with a straight razor so far was years ago at a barber's, where the young girl using a shavette to shave me didn't really have a clue what she was doing, hence lots of blood.

    Looking forward to having a go myself.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Redbank, Queensland, Australia
    Thanked: 291


    G'Day Steve and welcome to SRP.

    Great to have another local on board.

    I do live at Redbank and was bought up in Sandgate - so there you go.

    Do lots of reading and research in the Library/Workshop stickies.

    Anything we can do to help - just ask.
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

  3. #3
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Brisbane/Redcliffe, Australia
    Thanked: 983


    Well there you have it then. I just live here where I'm at neither here nor there...But leaning more towards the here of Brighton than the there of Redcliffe. And I wasn't born in this place, nor was I raised here, and if I could, I would leave here. However here I am and here I stay, so you just got to put up with me...Oh yes and by the way; Welcome to this world of Cut-Throats Steve. God I love that name! Why anyone would choose to use the less colourful name of Open razor or Straight is beyond me.

    G'day! I'm a Straight...Yes well, that's good. I'm not gay myself.

    G'day, I'm Open...Goodo then. What are you pretending to be?! A shop?!

    G'day, I'm a Cut-Throat...Yeah that delivers a strong jab to the ribs to the other person...Unless your a little skinny bloke, who can't look them in the eye when you say it. Yeah, then it might not be so good... Then you'd just be looked at and ignored as just another weirdo...


    P.S I was born in QLD...Just not this part of it. I would hate to have you blokes think I was a blow in from NSW
    Last edited by MickR; 12-10-2012 at 09:35 AM. Reason: P.S added

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