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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Good morning and hello from UK based Newbie...

    Hello, I have been using the site for research and tips for some time and it has been a great help in guiding me in starting straight shaving - Thank you. I can say with this advice I can now quite safely shave with my shavette but finally got the courage to get hold of a modern straight razor in the form of a Muhle 5/8" hollow ground. I honed it myself as it didn't seem shave ready in spite of the assurances of who sold it to me, and made my first attempt at using it today. It went reasonably well. I have two questions though...1. I can't seem to be able to do the HHT even a DE blade in the shavette fails is it not sharp enough or am I likely to be doing the test wrong? 2. I have quite a course beard but would it be expected to have to strop a little over half way through a shave. Thank you

  2. #2
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    The HHT is (i'm putting on my asbstos suit) a gimmick. quite a few perfectly honed razor will not pass this test. the real test is the shave.

    the need to strop part way through a shave has, for me, been an indicator that the razor is close but not quite shave ready. it could also be that the blade angle you are using is too steep and if you lowered it you might find that the stropping was not needed. YMMV


  3. The Following User Says Thank You to syslight For This Useful Post:

    mrjnrjukon (01-15-2013)

  4. #3
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for the tips, I'll have a go at a bit more honing and changing my shaving angle.


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