I have been interested in straight razor shaving for a few years now. But now I am actually starting to really get into it. I have all the equipment needed. Now I just need practice. I currently shave with a Merkur 38C DE razor with Feather blades and I have to say It is going to be hard to pull me away from that.

The only thing that has discouraged me is, even after sending my razor to be honed by a pro, my razor is still tugging at my whiskers...enough for me to just put down the razor and shave with something else. Let it be known I am a novice at straight razor shaving, but I know how to prep my face because I have been wet shaving with the Merkur for a while now with no problems.

I watch these guys on Youtube just slash through heavy growth with no problem. I have a thick Middle Eastern type growth, so I really want my razor to be as sharp as the Feather blades before I even put it to my face.

After I received my razor from "A Sharper Razor" it was sharper than before, I would rate it a C+ for hanging hair test...but when I put it to my face, it was a struggle for it to cut. I have some chromium oxide on the way so maybe that will help. I am here to learn from you guys so please help me.

Just to confirm: Is it possible to get a straight razor as sharp as a Feather blade? Did I just pick a mediocre hone service? Any advice would be great.
