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Thread: Hey

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Hey

    Hey all,

    My names Aaron, im 26 (Though not for much longer, the year seems to be drawing to a close rather quickly!), and i live in a small village in Somerset (Which isn't all that far from Glastonbury, a town which some of you may be somewhat familiar with).

    I've been talking about getting into using a straight razor for quite some time, and have finally decided i'm going to stop talking about it and actually make it happen. I was spurred on by the brush and cream that i received as a christmas present, and figured that since i have those, i may aswell go ahead and get the rest !

    I think over the last few weeks i've probably read just about every beginners post that there is on here, absorbing all of the information that i possibly can, along with various other posts.

    I headed over to SRD and had a look through some of the sets, and took a liking to the Boker King Cutter. I have since decided that i may start with a Sight Unseen deal from whippeddog, as if i'm going to spend out on a razor, i dont particularly want to go ruining a perfectly good blade or strop. My thinking is that it may be better to get the basics down first, and then treat myself once i have a firmer grasp on what i'm doing.

    Hopefully by the end of next week i'll have an order placed, and then the waiting game begins. I have to say though, i'm already buzzing at the thought of having it arrive!

  2. #2
    Senior Member crouton976's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, Aaron!

    My understanding is that Larry at Whippeddog has some pretty good razors, though don't be surprised if they look their age with the sight unseen deal. I believe he simply hones them to shave ready, not restores them.

    Another place you may consider looking is right here in the classifieds section as well... there are typically several low cost (but high quality) razors to be had being sold by our members. I'm sure your aware, since you've been reading a lot already, but I would suggest staying away from auction sites like ebay for a while, until you're really familiar with straight razor shaving.

    Again, welcome and don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have.
    "Willpower and Dedication are good words," Roland remarked, "There's a bad one, though, that means the same thing. That one is Obsession." -Roland Deschain of Gilead

  3. #3
    Senior Member razorguy's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, Aaron!
    Let me congratulate for your wise decision about using a straight razor and for your interest in the Boker King Cutter. Boker makes very good razors, although I like vintage Boker better.
    You are doing great in reading through this forum and feel free to ask: there are a lot of gentlemen here ready to help you and to get you started.

    Welcome aboard!

  4. #4
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Welcome in Aaron

    The SRD sets are a good deal, you can always choose a less expensive strop of theirs to start with and up grade the leather later as it is replaceable.
    Do you have some forum members near you that could help get you started with some hands on?
    Most any damage you do starting out from stropping or technique is easily fixable by most any experienced shaver with a finisher.
    It is just Whisker Whacking
    Relax and Enjoy!

  5. #5
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum mate. Good luck, you shouldn't need it, but I offer it anyway.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by pfries View Post
    Do you have some forum members near you that could help get you started with some hands on?
    Honestly i have no idea. I can't think that i've seen any that are somewhat local, but there are certainly a fair share of members from the UK.

    If there are im sure they'll make themselves known.

    Unfortunately the king cutter that i've been looking at has been out of stock for a little while, which is the other reason that i've been looking into the sight unseen deal, so that i can start this grand adventure. It's definitely one that i keep going back to though, there's just something about it that draws me in. It's definitely a future purchase i'd like to make if it's not my first.

  7. #7
    RazorBase DB application developer
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    IIRC there is/was a member called Jeltz somewhere in the SW. Haven't seen him around for a while but a PM wouldn't do any harm I guess.

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