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  • 1 Post By DirtDiver

Thread: Greetings from NY

  1. #1
    The Lime Traveler DirtDiver's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    New Yawk
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    Default Greetings from NY

    Hey all,

    I stumbled upon this site when searching for a Castle Forbes sampler. I did not know the straight razor place existed. I spend a lot of time over at B&B, but it can never hurt to expand your horizons... so I signed up and actually I recently got gifted a straight razor. I have been going through some DE Razor acquisition disorders... but I think it has settled, and I am really more focused on technique, both with the DE and the straight, as well as the lather and prep and stuff like that.

    So, just popping it to say Hi!

    Also, what are trackbacks?

    and how does this whole tag system work?

    Lynn likes this.
    DE user, New to the straight, using a Wostenholm user grade.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Havachat45's Avatar
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    G'Day Chris and welcome to SRP.

    TBH I have no idea what trackbacks are or how the tag system works - so I'll just say 'Hi'
    Hang on and enjoy the ride...

  3. #3
    The Lime Traveler DirtDiver's Avatar
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    New Yawk
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    Haha well, thanks for replying. Nice to know someone looks at the new guys

    BTW I love Australia. You are lucky to reside there
    DE user, New to the straight, using a Wostenholm user grade.

  4. #4
    Make ready the heat. henryconchile's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Metro Boston, MA
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    Welcome to SRP, Chris.

    You can find info on SRP trackbacks here.
    I haven't used them myself, but the site moderators should be able to give you guidance on using them.

    Enjoy the shaves.
    You can take the boy out of NY, but you can't take NY out of the boy.

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