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You have to love a suprise in the mail

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by , 07-12-2011 at 02:38 AM (1224 Views)
You have to love those suprise mail packages. Dad finally cleaned up the garage and sent me a few things he found laying on shelves. An 8/8 'Slick' hollow ground with gold wash, 5/8 Wostenholm with heavely etched blade with no rust at all in the original coffen box (price $2.00 which we could still get them for 2 bucks), 5/8 Friodur no stain, 5/8 Morley clover, 4/8 Portsmouth B.S co, Portsmouth Oh, and a 6/8 no name 'messerschmidt' razor. Ow, and the Blog works....


  1. JimmyHAD's Avatar
    Sold, I'll give you the two bucks, just PM your paypal addy .....