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Gebrüder Weyersberg, 1787-1883, 1902-1925.

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by , 03-06-2012 at 02:10 PM (3605 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by manah View Post
Gebrüder Weyersberg, 1787-1883, 1902-1925.
Solingen-Höhscheide (1787-1883),
Solingen (1902-1909),
Solingen-Ohligs (1925).
Gebrüder Weyersberg was founded on 1st January 1787 by the brothers Wilhelm, Peter and Johann-Ludwig Weyersberg. The company initially manufactured large quantities of knife ans sword blades - indeed, it's recorded that in 1786 the Weyersberg family had produced 17% of Solingen's blades - and with the receipt of orders from France and Italy, a permanent blade store was established in 1788 at Frankfurt am Main. With the death in 1793 of Wilhelm Weyersberg his widow remained one of the company's shareholders and in 1816 her son-in-law, Karl-Reinhard Berg, also joined the company.
When Peter Weyersberg died in 1829 the business passed to his son Albert and Gustav Berg, son of Karl, and in due course the company passed to their sons Hermann and Fritz. With the sudden death in 1883 of Hermann Weyersberg, the firm amalgamated with W.R. Kirschbaum & Cie to form Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Cie.(WKC, registered 9th May 1930, the company is still in business)
Gebrüder Weyersberg was reformed on 1st May 1902 by Richard Berg, and in 1922 was managed by his sons Richard, Eugen, Hans and Fritz. In 1908 the Walder branch of Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Cie was sold to the new Gebrüder Weyersberg; managed under the name of Solingener Axt- & Hauerfabrik GmbH, the plant was moved in the following year to Solingen-Ohligs.
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