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Thread: a scutle, is it worth the money

  1. #31
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
    You don't need no scuttle, you don't know how it is to live in a cold climate. No scuttle for Carl (first snow came today and even a little and late it's not my favorite weather!).
    Yeah, you're probably right. It's about 34ish at the moment during the day. Cold for me is anything less than about 20. It does get down to maybe 10 at times during winter and maybe zero at night, but it's not like your climate. Living in Sweden sounds so cool, though, with the free love, and all those blonde tall ladies (who I'm SURE would love a middle aged Australian guy; they must get so BORED with all those tall, blonde Swedish men...)....
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  2. #32
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Yeah, you're probably right. It's about 34ish at the moment during the day. Cold for me is anything less than about 20. It does get down to maybe 10 at times during winter and maybe zero at night, but it's not like your climate. Living in Sweden sounds so cool, though, with the free love, and all those blonde tall ladies (who I'm SURE would love a middle aged Australian guy; they must get so BORED with all those tall, blonde Swedish men...)....
    Loool, I live in the wrong country then, bald w dark hair (the little that's left of it) and middle aged ... Back in the days I dated some blond hot chicks though, even though my dark haired lovely wife is all I need and want (hello dear, if you read this! ).
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  3. #33
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
    Loool, I live in the wrong country then, bald w dark hair (the little that's left of it) and middle aged ... Back in the days I dated some blond hot chicks though, even though my dark haired lovely wife is all I need and want (hello dear, if you read this! ).
    Don't you all run around pristine spruce forests scantily clad most of the time, wearing only pristine white clothes and laughing uproariously? Or have I been watching the wrong sorts of movies/ads?

    Anyway, back to the scuttle question, I guess when the H2O out of the tap is near freezing it's a necessity..
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  4. #34
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    Why would anyone need a scuttle when you live in same country as emily Scott

  5. #35
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Don't you all run around pristine spruce forests scantily clad most of the time, wearing only pristine white clothes and laughing uproariously? Or have I been watching the wrong sorts of movies/ads?

    Anyway, back to the scuttle question, I guess when the H2O out of the tap is near freezing it's a necessity..
    Aha, that's my neighbors, the ones in white and with happy smiles (they darken slightly when they see me though). Plenty of blond and fair looking gals here, but you get used to it

    We do have heaters in the houses though, re cold water, but it's nicer when the scuttle keeps warm lather all the way through the shave and mostly you need hotter water than tap water for that (or pre heat the scuttle).

  6. #36
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    The thought of warm lather sounds really nice, and I have always liked it when I went to a barber. I have a couple of scuttles at home for warming my lather, but I find when I warm my lather it seems to thin the lather down a little too much for me. I have discontinued warming my lather just for that reason. ...shrug


  7. #37
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zepplin View Post
    The thought of warm lather sounds really nice, and I have always liked it when I went to a barber. I have a couple of scuttles at home for warming my lather, but I find when I warm my lather it seems to thin the lather down a little too much for me. I have discontinued warming my lather just for that reason. ...shrug

    When I got my scuttle I to pretty much had to relearn a few of my soaps, as they reacted to the temperature, and there is also some soaps that don't like to be heated at all.
    But a typical mistake is using too hot water, that will ruin any lather. Warm lather, not HOT is what works for me.
    Bonus feature on really hot summer days is using the scuttle with cold wather. A nice mentholated soap or cream and cold scuttle is really refreshing.
    Also I've found that creams generally seems to tolerate hotter temperatures.

  8. #38
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    Ok So I see that someone said that mama bear not longer carries the swl one but it still show on their site has anyone checked with them? Also is there any real difference in the ceramics of that one to justify the cost?

  9. #39
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    I find the scuttle worth the money. Others might not. I have tried several, but my preferred for bowl lathering is the small — because I use small brushes — Ansgar Schwarzweisskeramik. I no longer have mine, but do plan on getting another one. Since currently I face lather, the small Moss scuttle keeps my brush warm.

    By the way, Mama Bear no longer carries the Schwarzweisskeramik scuttle.

  10. #40
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    got ya I saw that in a prev post but a web search still pulls them up on their site.. go figure.. guess the bird is the word.. dirty bird that
    Last edited by Supernas; 12-07-2011 at 05:57 PM.

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