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  • 1 Post By MrBlimp
  • 1 Post By ReardenSteel

Thread: Valentine's Day Present

  1. #1
    Member MrBlimp's Avatar
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    Default Valentine's Day Present

    Here's a picture of the Valentine's Day present my wife gave me this morning (I mentioned this in another post called Junk Shop Finds in which I listed a bunch of SRs I picked up cheap in an "Antique Clocks" junk shop):

    Name:  MAC mug.jpg
Views: 213
Size:  31.4 KB

    The mug has the Mac Gregor (large MAC inside a diamond) logo on the bottom.

    The brush doesn't have any markings. Does anyone have any thoughts on what sort of bristles it might have? [I also asked this question in the post How do you determine what a brush is made of?]

    That's a puck of Williams that I placed inside it - I don't usually use Williams but it was the smallest puck I had and even then I had to carve it a little to get it to fit inside the bottom of the mug. Does anyone have any suggestions on a better quality soap puck that is smaller and would fit?
    Last edited by MrBlimp; 02-14-2013 at 04:39 PM.
    gooser likes this.

  2. #2
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Nice present. I don't know of any smaller pucks, but you could do a slow warm water bath to gradually melt the soap to fit the mug. I used that method to get some classicshaving soaps to fit glass bowls and it works great. Hope this helps.
    dixon3162000 likes this.

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