Oh no............there's gotta be fresh whole milk and sugar in that fer me
I may have vegetable juice for breakfast but that doesn't mean I no longer appreciate the art of making the perfect bacon sandwich :).
The vegetable juice is purely an experiment in trying to keep a recurring health problem at bay. I borrowed a juicer from a friend and get through about two litres of the stuff a day. An unexpected bonus is that my sense of taste has improved quite a lot, and so when I do fix myself a bacon sandwich or some pork schnitzel it tastes more heavenly than usual :)
That works. Hope your health issue improves in the meantime. schnitzel sandwich......mmmmm sounds good.
Oh yes and...I see your relatively new here ? Welcome to SRP and the Breakfast car as well...Cheers :)
@Notmuchofachin .....just realized your from Devon...Home of clotted cream ? Love that stuff !!!:)
Sounds like the voice of many bad experiences to me Ed :p Actually I used to do the same thing when I was a kid when we moved to town. But I did it with flavoured toppings. Coffee as a kid was always hot, contained plenty of condensed milk and was most often consumed while out camping.
Nescafe is good, but the upper crust crowd use Moccona...Not that I would know what it tastes like or nuthin'....
Gee...i'm so glad we're not bad influences on each other...it could get real horror show round here.:)