I have never thought of cooking as an art and especially of comparing it to painting.

If I was to compare cooking with copying a Rembrandt I would use painting by number kit as an example to compare to a recipe. Of course a person with more skill could make the paint by number kit look better but the basis and general proportions are there.

Maybe as an art the display of the food should be considered. I think this is mainly a marketing tool to make people think that the food they are getting is much different than what they themselves can make at home. From my experience you are paying for being waited on and the convenience not the quality of the food.

I like discussion threads but can see your point. The what have you had for breakfast or dinner threads have been much fun for me and I have tried things from all over the world. Some I will make again and others I won't. If I want to post "I don't have any kelp in my cupboard what do you think would make a good substitute?" I am sure they might chuckle but give me an answer.