I have a question about these alcoholic beverages...

Does it take time to be able to differentiate between the flavor of the whisky itself over the alcohol.
I had Canadian Royal whisky, 80 proof and Bacardi 151 rum, 151 proof.
First drinks ever, on Halloween night.
Started off with the Bacardi, it smelled just like rubbing alcohol and tasted about the same.. Except my mouth got ice cold, burning hot, and numb all at the exact same time.
The whisky was the same, but to less effect.
I didnt notice any flavors that people always mention... it was just the alcohol that i noticed.
Anywho, i found this to be very intriguing, and wondered why

What i did find out though.. is both where better than beer to me.
Had my first that night as well, but didnt like it so much. It seems like something i would enjoy better "flat".. the carbonation wasnt the greatest (bud light)
So, i definitely like the hard liquor better.

This is the stuff