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Thread: Alum or Witch Hazel?

  1. #1
    Senior Member RVShave's Avatar
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    Default Alum or Witch Hazel?

    I'm new at this but really enjoying SR shaving, for post treatment, is there a difference in using an Alum block or Witch Hazel? Picked up some Thayers alcohol free and like that a lot, I assume alum block does the same thing, but we know what assume does.

  2. #2
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    Lots of guys use Alum, but I never really saw a need for it, given proper technique & good aftershave.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    I use witch hazel, and then an aftershave of my choice. Only use alum if I'm nicked, which I haven't yet in my 7 SR shaves

  4. #4
    Senior Member 1holegrouper's Avatar
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    Alum is a great skin toner and even if your technique and aftershave is perfect I find that it is one of the earliest indicators that your blade is coming due for a refresh.
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  6. #5
    Make ready the heat. henryconchile's Avatar
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    I splash on witch hazel after shaving and a cold water rinse, but have not tried alum. Based on what I have read in past posts, alum and witch hazel do the same thing.

    I have easily closed up minor nicks and cuts with my Dickason's witch hazel. I also use Thayer's once in a while, which is also a great skin toner.
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  7. #6
    Senior Member crouton976's Avatar
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    I'm with 'grouper on this one... Post shave, I rinse with cold water and rub my alum block on my face and neck. Then, I start cleaning up and when I'm finished, I use my hot towel (now soaked in cold water) to rinse/wipe the alum from my face. A splash of my aftershave of choice for that day and a tiny bit of Nivea Post Shave Balm for my neck (super sensitive skin there) and I'm right as rain.

    The alum does several things:

    1. It's an astringent, so it tightens up your skin and helps prevent "weepers" after a shave.
    2. It has antibacterial properties, so you're disinfecting your face post shave (always a plus).
    3. It is a coagulent, so will help stop minor nicks and cuts from bleeding (different from #1 above).

    Witch Hazel has more use as an astringent, however, the little bit of alcohol found in most brands of Witch Hazel takes care of the antibacterial needs post shave. Most commercial aftershaves take care of this as well, since their alcohol content is fairly high (hence the burn).

    The short answer to which one to use is whatever works best for your face (YMMV). You can use one, the other or both if your skin will tolerate it.
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  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yea, Alum is a great skin toner and has a mild antiseptic quality. It will also deal with minor nicks and cuts. I don't think witch hazel has as strong a toner quality but is also mildly antiseptic and will help with minor cuts/nicks. The advantage of alum for an old fart like me is the toning part and it takes up less room in the shelf, lasts longer than a bottle of witch hazel and is easier to travel with on aircraft, no possibility of leakage or security restrictions as on liquids. Either will do the job.

    I think using alum has eliminated some skin problems I had too. Alum can also do double duty as a antiperspirant making it handy when traveling a lightly as possible.

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  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I use them both, every shave for 3 years. Alum first,,,5 minutes,,,,dab off with a wet cloth,,,then heavy witch hazel,,,,let dry,,,,,,then aftershave.

  10. #9
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    I use them both, every shave for 3 years. Alum first,,,5 minutes,,,,dab off with a wet cloth,,,then heavy witch hazel,,,,let dry,,,,,,then aftershave.
    Yup, that's what I do
    CerveloJohn likes this.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  11. #10
    Senior Member WhiskerHarvest's Avatar
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    Both are reasonably affordable. The best way to determine your preference is to test both!

    I actually like both and use them separately or together before AS or in lieu of AS. I also use my Alum as deodorant and after a shower I will use it on my feet!

    I have come to the conclusion after testing this theory for two months that my feet stay dry and pretty much odorless using Alum. I like wearing open footwear here (Vegas) in the summer and using my hands to apply alum to wet feet and toes has proven beneficial over the days when I haven't.

    Alum cuts the burn of aftershaves also so you can enjoy your aftershave without that crazy sting some of them have.
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