Just wanted to throw this little review out there for you all. As i am trying to revamp the chemicals and things that come in contact with my body, i decided to try someting all natural for that after shave soothe. I have always used cloubman products but as they contain atrificial dyes and a few other things i started looking for something else. The grocery store had Pacific shaving company products in stock and the ingredients list looked good so i gave it a try. The all day moisturizer said great for after shave so got that. Well i had just shaved (not with the straight, i am waiting for that to arrive still) and my face was feelling irritated since i didnt use any after shave. I put on a dab to the Pacific stuff and without the sting or overwhelming scent my irritation went away. This product seems to eb very true to its advertising.

That is what i think about it, if i am wrong somewhere or someone out there has an opposing comment to warn me about this product let me know. It is tempting to buy more because they have an offer on their site that says buy two get one free. Just buy two prducts in store and then send them your receipt. Then you can select a free product that they will send you.sound like a deal to me.