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Thread: Super Glue

  1. #21
    HLS is offline
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    I know a fella that's a ductwork fabricator and he uses duct tape to close his wounds. Really.


  2. #22
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Blue View Post
    Yes, but don't discount the first effects of the thiosulfates naturally produced by the body to detoxify this very CN radical

    I'd bet if you ate enough apple seeds you'd get more than a bit green....

    A better wound dressing would include a steri-strip or butterfly and glue that to the skin and not rely on the glue for support.
    I did a google search for " thiosulfates naturally produced by the body". a lot about Sodium Thiosulfate came up. That stuff is suppose to cure most anything! Hearing loss, platinum in your hair cells etc. I didn't see anything about apple seeds but it is suppose to help with eating to many Apricot pits. I was suprised not to see that it cured impotence.

    I have a deep scar inbetween my eyebrows. Many years ago I went to the house for lunch during a day of cutting firewood. I brought the axe along because I had been hard on it that day. I learned an important lesson...When taping an axe handle push on the axe and pull on the tape! The tape broke, blood all over the kitchen. My mom put a butterfly on it and things were good until in bed that night I tore it off. Especially the older I get people just think it is a wrinkle.


  3. #23
    "My words are of iron..."
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    So that's where the axe stuck in the head for Halloween comes from... I never knew.
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  4. #24
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    Spray CA was issued to medics in Viet Nam.
    Medical CA doesn't get as hot as regular CA glue. I had some ultra thin CA glue spill on my pant leg/thigh area at work one day. It left a 1st degree burn on my leg.
    Methacrylate=PMMA=Polymethylmethacrylate=Plexiglas/Acrylic. I've used generic superglue with CA+PMMA. It cures a lot slower than straight CA

    I have to reapply CA once a day when I use it on a cut, but it beats band aids and/or stitches. Never had any scarring with it.
    I have used electrical tape and nonwoven cotton sponges as bandages. It holds very well. I don't use duct tape for bandages because I use electrical tape at work, but not duct tape. Plus, electrical tape is the width of a band aid. Handy.

    I hear that methanol will cause brain damage if you drink it, but I don't think it applies to this thread.

  5. #25
    Special Agent Gibbs's Avatar
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    This sounds like a sticky subject!!

    At Dollar General they have medical super glue for cuts. And, it's only 1 dollar for 2 little tubes. Put one in the shaving area, and the other someplace as a spare.

    I'm bound to add to this thread, but don't think it will be a sticky.
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