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Thread: How many AfterShave Balms do you have?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Riaanrab's Avatar
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    Default How many AfterShave Balms do you have?

    So we are collecting all kinds of shaving stuff, mostly soaps and creams. We all love the different scents and the type of lather each make. But what about aftershave balm?? Who out there is using more the 1,2 or 3 shaving balms??

    How many do you have and what do you like????

    Any thoughts gents??

  2. #2
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    My preference leans towards AS splashes - I currently have more than 15 AS's and only 3 are balms, though I've tried quite a few more. My favourite so far is Castle Forbes, which is fantastic but it's a bit pricey. I recently tried one of Proraso's new formulations and it's very nice as well.

  3. #3
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    I don't use balms, unless TSD a/s milk counts and that isn't too often. I do use a few a/s splashes though. Osage Rub, Pinaud Clubman, Ogalla Bay Rum, Aqua Velva Ice Sport, Barbasol Pacific Rush, and Old Spice. I have some Pinaud Lilac Vegetal but don't use it.

    I love all of them and rotate pretty regularly. The Clubman and Bay Rum are for weekends, no scent policy at work. If I had to choose just one, it would be the Osage Rub!
    Last edited by luteplayers; 05-08-2013 at 02:55 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member JoeLowett's Avatar
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    Name:  image.jpg
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Size:  43.8 KBI too use AS splashes and tonics. I like alcohol based AS, personally I don't have sensitive skin so I enjoy the 'burn'.... I find alcohol based AS to e soothing and satisfying. I do have a couple balms, but I use them only on rare occasion. Out of all the fancy AS out there I find that the ones you can by at the pharmacy are the ones in my regular rotation. I typically pair my as choice with my soap/creme/EDT choice of the day which is usually based on my mood or the occasion. I also rebottle my AS in to smaller, vintage bottles that I find my appealing... For me all the details add to the overall expiriance
    Here's my post shave products that I have in stock right now.
    1- aqua Velva classic blue
    2- aqua Velva musk
    3- pinaud clubman
    4- brut
    5- old spice original
    6- old spice 'fresh'
    7- Nivea energy splash
    8- stenson
    9- Jamaican choice bay run
    10- suavecito bay rum
    11- givenchy
    12- lucky tiger face tonic
    13- several other home made blends
    ------- those are just the splashes, I have other after care cremes balms etc, including lanolin which I think is the hold grail of soothing if you need that sorta thing. Here some pics of my rebottle e AS splashes
    Last edited by JoeLowett; 05-08-2013 at 03:15 AM.
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  5. #5
    EdG is offline
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    I have unscented, lavender, and lemon balms from AoS. All work great and keeping my skin moisturized, preventing "bumps", and maintaining good skin health. I also have the lavender AoS after shave gel, which is nice on humid days. The lavender scents linger, which I enjoy. The lemon smells great but fades after a few minutes.

    I have GFT extract of limes skin food. Nice scent, good moisturizer. Feels a bit oily for a bit after application. I use this when it matches soaps/creams.

    I have Captains Choice Bay Rum. Feels good when first applied, and leaves my skin smooth. Good lingering scent, but not overpowering.

    I have Musgo Real after shave lotion (its a splash). Like the Bay Rum, it feels good when applied. Leaves skin a bit "sticky", but feels smooth and no irritation. It has a unique scent that I really enjoy.

    I have a Nice a Balm. OK moisturizer. Skin does not feel as good as with others after a couple of hours. I will sometimes use this followed by one of my splashes because I don't really care for the scent.

    I have a bottle of Clubman. Good stuff. Not great at any particular category, but solid, and a great value.

    Now for my favorite. I just got a bottle of Esbjerg Grapefruit after shave gel. This makes my skin look and feel great. No oily residue or stickiness. Great smooth skin. And when I use it with my TOBS Grapefruit shaving cream, I have the scent of fresh cut grapefruit with me for 10 to 12 hours. Not strong, but my wife can smell it when close and loves it. I have only had that and the TOBS for less than a week, but have used nothing else since I first used it on Saturday. Awesome stuff.

  6. #6
    Poor Fit
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    I have only one, Truefitt & Hill Trafallgar..splashes on the other
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  7. #7
    Senior Member WhiskerHarvest's Avatar
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    I have two from Al's shaving which leave my skin fresh and rejuvenated after a shave. Nice scent that lingers for an hour or so and doesn't leave any residue or oil.

    I also make my own form of aftershave milk (I think?) that has proven to be a great companion in my shaving line up. I just finished making two batches for family members I recently converted to wet shaving. It is heavy on the tea tree oil but soothes and nourishes my face and neck wonderfully after a great shave.

    I tried using just an alum bloc today for the first time which was really interesting. It was kinda like the old joke that goes "ever see a match burn twice!" I was using a new razor and had a bad angle just around the ol' apple and that alum let me know it!
    I shave because I want to, not because I have to!

  8. #8
    rum is offline
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    Definitely a balm guy here!

    I have a few:
    - Roger & Gallet L'Homme ASB, great in warm weather
    - Castel Forbes Lavender ASB, great in winter and paired with certain creams/soaps
    - L'Oreal Paris MenExpert HydraSensitive 24hr Hydrating balm - works a treat with just about anything!
    - I also have some Trumpers Coral Skin food which once finished I won't buy again

    - Among others I have Nivea Creme which is used as an after shave moisturiser sometimes and Korres' Borage Anti-Shine Moisturiser for Men.

  9. #9
    Senior Member str8fencer's Avatar
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    Lots of different splashes for me, but currently no balms. I don't enjoy them much, prefer the aocohol based aftercare.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member PaulKidd's Avatar
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    Al's Shaving Products....various scents to match the shaving cream: Al's Shaving Products

    Escential Lotions and Oils Aftershave Moisturizing lotion:

    Woody's Post Shave Rescue: Woody's Grooming - Shave Relief Balm

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