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Thread: You can do this thing cheap and easy!!!

  1. #1
    Junior Member Bricelyn's Avatar
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    Talking You can do this thing cheap and easy!!!

    Let me start by saying I Strop with cardboard, I use any clean cardboard I can get my hands on, I use jewelers rouge from Tandy leather on said cardboard and I strop, 50 times Heavy to light, 1 push 1 pull, 2 push 2 pull. I know its not .5 micron grit here but it works and you can do it in a pinch or everyday. It's amaizing how sharp you can get with the heavy to lighter method. I was using just heavy and maybe 3 or four light strops, then I did 1/4 heavy then lighter and lighter till the blade just sings across the cardboard, I haven't passed the HHT mostly cuz I cut the very tip of my finger off trying so I'll get back to you on that! However after a single pass its good enough for the weekend and if I do a second pass accross not against my face is smoother than any multi blade pass. I do look forward to a real strop and a nice light abrasive spray or cream!

    I picked up my blades second hand, at two different "antique shops" I spent 18 dollars on two high quality razors. Don't pay a ton for a good razor until you know whats what, a good razor can be had locally get off the compy and look for an antique store they've got em and probably don't value them as Highly as we do I have two razors as mentioned prior, one a <1895 Torrey which does ok and the other a Chas W Adair & CO that is a double hollow or belled hollow grind which I found out was a razor manufacturer from 1920 to 1960 something. Let me say the the double hollow took an edge and if i just strop it before every shave it glides across my face like its been buttered and a single pass is usually a good shave and a double pass is unbelievable!

    I also use one of two brushes which get the job done. First A tweezerman which really works great with soap not so well with Creme. And an Art of Shaving cheapy that came with a travel kit which is actually much softer than the tweezerman. I soak either or depending upon If I am using Creme or Soap, Out of creme which I prefer so I am using soap and becoming acquainted with the differences

    Back to prep, After putting my brush in as hot of water as available, I apply a hot towel to my face If I had this towel any hotter I would scald myself. I then apply a pre-shave oil from the art of shaving (AOS) in Lavender scent(Mostly castor oil and an essential oil for scent some have cayenne and other things I will be making this soon), As I let the oil work its magic I get a bowel as hot, as can be, under running water shake it dry, then I add an almond sized amount of AOS Shave Creme also in Lavender. I take my brush out of its hot water and flick the excess water into the sink two or three times, I then proceed to load the brush with creme in the bowl and gauge the wetness of the foam that I am making, I use the same water from the soak to adjust the foams "wetness". After loading the brush with creme I use my face to make a lather in a circular motion with the loaded brush then I slap it, if you will, across my face to add more lather to the top of sort of a base.I only shave a quarter of my face at a time otherwise the creme dries out. This is everything I do up until the razor touches my face.

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  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Sounds like your having fun, enjoy your journey.
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  4. #3
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    I had heard or read somewhere brown cardboard has clay in it, therefor has strop properties.
    Does anyone else know or shall I google?

  5. #4
    Senior Member sharkbite111's Avatar
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    Ive seen/heard some knife makers use it (namely Murray Carter). Never tried it myself on knives or razors. Newspaper is another cheap medium I've seen used. OP: I'm with you on the antique stores!! I got my best shaver, a W&B with a cracked bone handle for $6.


  6. #5
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    Yet another thing I love about SR shaving, it can be as straight forward as cardboard, antique store razor, one brush, one soap and go. Or you can have a cabinet full of stuff, cause "it was on the to try list". It's all fun. Nice post. I think I might try the cardboard/newsprint strop just to see.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Don't let the other guys catch you but all that fire hose is nothing but strop linen :<0). Use an 1 1/2" , preferably one that is broke in. The new ones are a little stiff, yes ? And you bought rouge instead of leather at Tandy ? It sounds like your doing great, have fun with it and watch your fingers.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  8. #7
    Senior Member rmagnus's Avatar
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    Well sounds like you got a killer deal on those blades. I like your advise about shopping the antique stores. Got to watch what you're doing around sharp steel otherwise I agree sound like you're having fun.

    I'm waiting for my new strop to arrive maybe tomorrow. Once SRD got Lynn's Modular Strop back in stock I bought one. Since I do a fair amount of traveling I thought it would be a good one to have.

    I've tried cold water shaving and it didn't work for me. I prefer face lathering and recently started filling the sink with hot water and putting a coffee cup in there with my brush. Makes for some really warm lathering. I ordered two scuttles thinking that might be a good way to go. I'll know in a couple weeks.

    Did somebody say wet shaving was less expensive than multi-cartridge, really?
    Last edited by rmagnus; 10-19-2013 at 03:43 AM.

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