Just a beginner, but here's my routine so far. I'll skip all the other morning rituals and go straight to shaving.
Get razor and brush from medicine cabinet(soap stays on the counter, covered).
Set out folded towel to wipe blade with during shave.
Strop razor( no set number, just until I feel it's ready)
I have another bowl I use strictly for soaking my brush. Fill that with hot water and set my brush in it.
Build lather in the soap bowl. Apply to face. I am still learning to build a lather, so mine is not as rich as it should be.
Shave WTG, refreshing lather if it begins to dry.
Evaluate that and see if I need to go further. Usually do.
Build up more lather if necessary.
Hit my face with hot water.
Shave problem areas with, against, or across the grain, depending where on the face it is and how much beard is still there. Some spots may need a third pass.
Splash face with hot water to open pores for post shave treatment.
Apply Aloe Vera gel.
Rinse blade and coat with baby oil(basically mineral oil with a bit of scent to it, and it's already in the house).
Apply a bit of AS Balm.
After shave if needed/wanted.
Clean brush, rinse brush bowl.
I leave what lather is in the soap bowl, place it in the corner of the sink counter, out of the way, with the brush bowl, which is larger, turned over on top of it as a cover, and the hand towel used to wipe the blade during shaving folded on top.
Put brush and razor away in the medicine cabinet.
Put away strop.
The Aloe Vera is a recent addition, since I am getting a bit of razor burn, which is to be expected when beginning, I assume.
I have some questions about pre shave treatment, oils, etc., but will ask those in a new thread.