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Thread: Paddle Strop Problems

  1. #1
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    Default Paddle Strop Problems


    I got a paddle strop with Accueil. In the shop Paddle was prepared for me, diamond and chrome put on both sides, some instructions given.

    This is my first experience with straight razor, but I have some experience with knives. So, following problems I see.

    1. Chrome Ox - even with light pressure it fells off... I figured out, that it was unevenly put, so I levelled it with some application of alcohol and evened it. It is still not perfect - shall I do something else? I was thinking about something similiar to water stones lapping to make it perfectly even - shall I???

    2. Diamond side - now here is something that looks like production flaw - when I do stropping, only the sides of the strop are working. It is clearlt visible after some knife stropping, that leaves a lot of metal on sides (black), and middle section stays clear. Only when I do some pressure with knife, middle section starts to be engages. Of course, I cannot use much pressure with razor, so the first thought was to level it with some DMT pad, I did few moves and stopped - I just had a second thought that this is not a good thing to do!

    So.... any advices here - except of those: get yourself a belt strop...

  2. #2
    Silky Smooth
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    Welcome to SRP!

    Only a little ChromeOx is needed to work effectively, do a little of it falling off if the strop is unlikely to be a problem. O

    n the side treated with diamond dust, again it will probably still work without adjustment, but flat would be better. You might wish to try the old-fashioned method of rolling a cylindrical bottle up and down the length of the strop, using moderate pressure to force the leather to become flat. (For this I feel that a beer bottle is a good choice; emptying it first by enjoying the contents.)

    If you have not already acquired a plain leather strop, one not treated with an abrasive, I would recommend you do so - you will end up using it far more often than abrasive ones because it will make the edge more comfortable for shaving and will not wear away the metal of the razor like the abrasives will.

    Good luck!

    Last edited by JeffR; 03-23-2014 at 03:14 PM. Reason: Add recommendation for plain leather strop
    de gustibus non est disputandum

  3. #3
    Senior Member ecormier's Avatar
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    Well one piece of quick advise would be to use X strokes to make sure that all parts of the blade are being worked regardless of any concavity of the paddle....
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeffR View Post
    Welcome to SRP!
    (For this I feel that a beer bottle is a good choice; emptying it first by enjoying the contents.)
    Damn me.... emptying a can. One more in fridge.... does it mean I need to run for another one ine bottle ?!?

    Quote Originally Posted by ecormier View Post
    Well one piece of quick advise would be to use X strokes to make sure that all parts of the blade are being worked regardless of any concavity of the paddle....
    I thought that it is less than advise and more as Must Do. X strokes are needed in cases where stropping is done on the surface narrower than razor.

  5. #5
    Senior Member ecormier's Avatar
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    I thought that it is less than advise and more as Must Do. X strokes are needed in cases where stropping is done on the surface narrower than razor.
    depends, I have a strop that is 3", but I still do a slight X stroke to keep working the edge evenly despite imperfections in the strop

  6. #6
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    Ok now, without falling into alcoholism, I have found a bottle and tried it out. No results.

    I did small inspection, and there was idea, that maybe there is some glue issues between the leather and amorthisation stuff that is beneth ( I have Razor-Strop Streich-Riemen). So I just made a run of thin knife beneth to be sure that nothins is keeping the leather. No results.

    Ok, the other idea is that it is some kind of deformation due to storage conditions? I have now put strop on flat table and put around 2-3 kgs (4-6 pounds) of pressure for night.

    If it does not work, I will try writting to the shop. Returns would be complicated as I planned my trip to Grenoble in France the way I could jump into the shop in Paris

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