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Thread: Pre-Shave Oil - Coconut Oil

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    Member OlDirtyJohn's Avatar
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    Default Pre-Shave Oil - Coconut Oil

    Well Ladies and Gents,

    After several months of practice, just had the best shave of my life. I believe it mostly came down to the pre shave preparation. I did my normal routine of shower then putting hair conditioner on my stubble for several minutes and a rinse with water as hot as i can take it. Then I tried something new. I had read about preshave oil, and heard you could use kitchen oil as well. The wife keeps a large jar of coconut oil around the house. Since it has SO MANY different uses, and it fairly cheap ($5 for a 20oz jar). It is great for the skin, hair, cooking, sexy time, etc, etc.......It has a very slick, light,nice smell, and satin like feel to it. I put it on my face while I built my lather. VDH soap, badger brush, Dovo shavette. I normally get irritation if I go ATG with the shavette. Not this time. A full 3 pass shave, super comfortable and BBS. Even on my neck which I normally have problems with, super smooth and super comfortable. I do not have any other pre shave oils to compare to, but I now swear by this coconut oil. It made a world of difference for me.

    Edit: You can pick up coconut oil from almost any grocery store. Also, I am stuck in a state of faceterbation.
    Last edited by OlDirtyJohn; 06-30-2014 at 11:56 AM.

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