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Thread: Why do you like to face lather instead of using a bowl?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Default Why do you like to face lather instead of using a bowl?

    Can I get some tips for face lathering as well as the why you like face lathering from you face latherer's? I'm going to try to find some videos of face lathering but I'd like as much info as I can get. Thanks in advance for any help.

    Just watched Lynn Abrams face lather. He wore his shirt for the demo. I tried face lathering once a few months ago and had soap and water everywher. On me, counter, sink, I think some go on the walls. Just kidding. Looks pretty simple. I was considering face lathering because I'm taking a trip in a few days and was considering not taking my scuttle. But, Lynn used a scuttle, or he said he normally does for keeping the brush warm. There goes my reason to learn face lathering. Maybe I can get away without it while I'm gone.

    Lynn said he was using a cream. Are creams or soaps better for face lathering or does it matter?
    Last edited by Jack0458; 08-24-2014 at 08:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I face lather because I like to keep things simple even to the extent of using cold water. No, it doesn't matter if you use a shave cream, soap or even shave stick.

    I use a version of the first method described here Lathering Tutorial - How to lather a shaving soap - YouTube
    . Works like a charm for me.

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  • #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I tried a scuttle, one time.have face lathered for 30 yrs since.
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  • #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I do it pretty much for the same reason. It's simple and it works.

    If you get the mixture right there is little lather flying. If it's really going all over the place you probably have too much water. Of course every soap or cream is different and creams are much easier to create lather with because much of the work has already been done for you.

    It's all a matter of soaking the brush and then knowing how much water to shake out before soap loading and that will change with the soap or cream.
    BobH and Walterbowens like this.
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  • #5
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    And as BobH said, cold water works just as good as hot. You can always use hot tap water to get going if you want to, but cold works across the board just as well.
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  • #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Almost forgot, if you are using a synthetic brush do not try and soak it, they hold no water. In the case of soaps just dip the tips in water, let the excess run off and shake what free water is left onto the soap and load. To add more water dip the tips, quick shake and go or just sprinkle some on from your finger tips. With too much water it will run out of the knot down the handle onto your hand lather and all. Pretty much as with too much water in any type knot but super easy to have happen with a synthetic.

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  • #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Almost forgot, if you are using a synthetic brush do not try and soak it, they hold no water. In the case of soaps just dip the tips in water, let the excess run off and shake what free water is left onto the soap and load. To add more water dip the tips, quick shake and go or just sprinkle some on from your finger tips. With too much water it will run out of the knot down the handle onto your hand lather and all. Pretty much as with too much water in any type knot but super easy to have happen with a synthetic.

    True. plastic Knots hold no water,they cannot as the fibers are solid.
    Thats why the true silvertips have been the benchmark forever,The hair is hollow,they hold water and heat.
    But than again one can lather with a sponge if need be
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  • #8
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    I face lather because I like to keep things simple even to the extent of using cold water. No, it doesn't matter if you use a shave cream, soap or even shave stick.

    I use a version of the first method described here Lathering Tutorial - How to lather a shaving soap - YouTube
    . Works like a charm for me.

    Great video. Really great. He showed a wet and dryer version. Along with Lynn's video I feel educated enough to give it a try. I'll have to learn the finer points of different soaps, how much water, etc. Thanks a bunch.

  • #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    True. plastic Knots hold no water,they cannot as the fibers are solid.
    Thats why the true silvertips have been the benchmark forever,The hair is hollow,they hold water and heat.
    But than again one can lather with a sponge if need be
    Some people do use them and enjoy them for what they bring to the table. You really don't need fancy brush handles of ivory and exotic woods stuffed with high end badger knots either to get a good lather.

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  • #10
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    True. plastic Knots hold no water,they cannot as the fibers are solid.
    Thats why the true silvertips have been the benchmark forever,The hair is hollow,they hold water and heat.
    But than again one can lather with a sponge if need be
    My brush is a cheap one from ebay but it's supposed to be badger. Here is a picture. I doubt if you can tell much from a picture. It seems to work fine but I have nothing to compare it to as far as the bristles holding water or not. Is there a way I can tell if it's actual badger hair or fake?

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