you are absolutely right, sodium and such can be, and mostly are, natural or at least naturally-derived. However, that does NOT make it good for your skin. Most serve as preservatives which tend to dry your skin out, not heal it. The soap may feel nice and soft, but petroleum jelly is nice and soft too. However, anything petroleum is not good for your skin, especially around your face. (just and example).
lanolin is a terrific thing, but since it is almost a pure animal-derived fat, it is prone to going rancid, and fast. Olive oil (and grapeseed oil as well) are more stable, don't need preservatives, and are excellent. Both for moisturizing and for nourishing delicate skin. Makes it strong, soft, and supple.
I used to use "lanolin" for moisturizing and for chapped lips. Nothing compared. The difference was that I rendered the lamb fat myself and there were no chemicals to interfere with what God put there to begin with. I tell you now, no other "lanolin" has compared. Expense and convenience become an issue, however.
I know everyone says don't trust a skinny chef, and I am a noob. But, trust me on this nutrition-related question, use the evoo. You will thank me later. Promise or I'm buying.