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Thread: Made my best lather yet on accident

  1. #1
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    Default Made my best lather yet on accident


    I've had a sample pack of mama bear's soap for a few days now and I've been experimenting with different techniques. I wasn't getting very good results and started getting frustrated. I ALMOST WENT BACK TO BARBASOL... My soap was producing a decent amount of lather but it wouldn't last very long and the glide was bad. Then today I was in a rush so I turned on the hot water, soaked my brush, let the water drain off of it without shaking, loaded my brush with soap for about 25 seconds and went straight to lathering my face. After about 30 seconds I had a lot of lather and what I think with my limited experience great glide. I was awesome! I don't have my str8 razor yet so I used my disposable but I think Im getting the hang of my pre shave prep. It saved me time and I had one less thing to clean up. Is it common to make your lather directly on your face and skip the bowl/cup?


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  2. #2
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    Very Common, I very rarely use a bowl.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Skippy's Avatar
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    Good job! There is no "just one way" to make a great lather. There are general principles to follow, but everyone has their own way of doing it. Make your lather however you want, mug or face lather. They both work great!

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Skippy For This Useful Post:

    socalkid (08-18-2011)

  5. #4
    Senior Member ri7ani's Avatar
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    yup,,7 out of 10 times i lather directly on the face. when i use soap i lather in a bowl,,,cream straight on the face ,,,,since i really like proraso and i use it way more than anything else it obliges me to lather staright on my face.
    so in all.....lathering for me depends on what im using.

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by socalkid View Post

    I've had a sample pack of mama bear's soap for a few days now and I've been experimenting with different techniques. I wasn't getting very good results and started getting frustrated. I ALMOST WENT BACK TO BARBASOL... My soap was producing a decent amount of lather but it wouldn't last very long and the glide was bad. Then today I was in a rush so I turned on the hot water, soaked my brush, let the water drain off of it without shaking, loaded my brush with soap for about 25 seconds and went straight to lathering my face. After about 30 seconds I had a lot of lather and what I think with my limited experience great glide. I was awesome! I don't have my str8 razor yet so I used my disposable but I think Im getting the hang of my pre shave prep. It saved me time and I had one less thing to clean up. Is it common to make your lather directly on your face and skip the bowl/cup?


    You have discovered one of the fun parts of shaving.

    Wet shaving with a well crafted lather even with
    a disposable blade can be a real joy.

    A brush used to rework Barbasol can prove
    to be a grand improvement over a superficial
    slather of goo.

    In other threads we often drop a hint that
    tinkering and experimenting with "lathering" can
    teach a lot for almost no expense.

    Face lathering is tried and true...


  7. #6
    Mr. Baby Face DerekC's Avatar
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    I still think face lathering is the better option, as it gives the soap more time to work itself into your skin and whiskers, but I'm much more proficient at lathering in a bowl, instead. Mostly because that's what I started doing, really.

    Have you checked out Mantic59's youtube videos on lathering? Excellend composition and wonderfully intuitive. He cover's all different types of lathering, whether on your hand, face, bowl, puck, cream, everything. Covers all bases so you know what you have to look for in making consistent, proficient lather. Really great videos!
    niftyshaving likes this.

  8. #7
    Senior Member RickyBeeroun222's Avatar
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    While I have very little experience with face lathering
    it's one of the skills I will be working on
    Right now I'm working on bowl lathering skills
    among others

    I also agree with DerekC - Mantic59's you tube videos are very good
    Picked up some great tips from them already
    I know I will go back again for more tips

    Keep up the experimenting socalkid
    It's all good experience


  9. #8
    Mental Support Squad Pithor's Avatar
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    I do about 50/50 face and bowl lathering, but even when I bowl lather I still kinda face leather. Slightly less vigorous than just face lathering, but more vigorous than just applying after bowl lathering. I apply an extra layer after lathering up though, because I usually make too much lather anyway and it makes my face smell nice. Lovely fluffy sensation, too.

  10. #9
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Great.. Directly to your face?.... Well clean up your affairs my friend you have about three days before turning into part of the zombie force.....God speed...

    Naw, not really... I think finding the "technique" that works for each person is part of the fun... Now you can make a video on it and thousands of people will argue whether you are criminally insane for doing that way, or preach that your way is the "lost" answer they have been looking for.
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  11. #10
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Hello, Chris: You have a fine soap in Mama Bear, and I have found face-lathering an ideal match for the soap. Or any soap, really. With creams, however, I make lather in the scuttle. Either way experimentation and improvisation will set you on the right path.

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