View Poll Results: Do you use pre-shave oil?

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  • No; never; don't know what it is; don't need to buy anything else.

    22 33.33%
  • Sometimes when using safety razors.

    2 3.03%
  • Sometimes when using straight razors.

    8 12.12%
  • Sometimes regardless of the type of razor.

    10 15.15%
  • Most of the time when using a safety razor

    1 1.52%
  • Most of the time when using a straight razor

    7 10.61%
  • Most of the time regardless of the type of razor

    2 3.03%
  • Every time a blade gets near my face.

    14 21.21%
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Thread: Pre-shave oil poll

  1. #21
    Nix is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    I voted most of the time when using a straight, but actually I use a cream, rather than an oil...
    Seems in the spirit of the idea.

    Anyone surprised by the results? I thought there would be more frequent use of pre-shave oils/creams.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nix View Post
    Seems in the spirit of the idea.

    Anyone surprised by the results? I thought there would be more frequent use of pre-shave oils/creams.
    NOPE, I find that the hair conditoner works much better,and it seems that a few others use it also,try it you'll be suprised.

  3. #23
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Proraso pre-shave is hard to beat.
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  4. #24
    Senior Member AlanII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    You forgot one important choice, those who have used it and don't like it.

    That's where I am. I tried several years ago and didn't like them. They did nothing for me.
    That's exactly what I would have voted for too.

  5. #25
    I've Got R.A.D. Bad! Omega1975's Avatar
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    I use Truefett & Hill pre shave oil , Love the stuff . Like one wise senior member told me "be sure to wash it of your hands before you pick up your razor"

  6. #26
    Senior Member Hogrider's Avatar
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    I use Proraso preshave cream; I have never used oils and honestly I see no need for it; matter of fact I stay away from them since it could interfere with the soaps I use and create slippery fingers (not good when handling a straight razor)HOG

  7. #27
    con16721 con16721's Avatar
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    When I first started straight shaving 9 months ago, I loved the stuff. However, the further along I get, the less and less noticeable the use of the oil becomes. I find that a more thorough pre-shave prep and increased skill in shaving technique have a far greater impact that the use of a single product such as an oil. When I do use it, baby oil is the cheapest way to go!

    Big C

  8. #28
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    I use a pre-shave prep whenever my beard is getting a little too course for my tastes. I do find that a good Virgin Olive Oil rub right after the shower allows me enough extra time to take care of all the other little chores needing to be done before the actual 'shave' begins. I don't use it daily, but I do when I don't trust the razor I am about to shave with, just as a precaution. If the razor pulls or tugs, I find that an oil or cream pre-shave helps with the inevitable razor burn. As time has gone one, and my technique has improved, two things have changed:

    1. I don't even mess with a tugging razor anymore, keep two at hand for all shaves, if I don't like one, grab another and keep going.

    2. The only benefit seems to be with a longer whisker than simple stubble. The longer the whiskers to be cut the more I seem to benefit from a pre-shave oil.

    Otherwise, like many here have stated, a good conditioner in the shower works just as good. However, if I can't shower before my shave, then a good rub helps, even if it is just psychological.

    Good thread, interesting... Makes you think some..

    JoeSomebody likes this.
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  9. #29
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    I use a combination of Noxzema 2oz jar, and 8 to 10 drops of: 1. Glycerine 2. Tea Tree Oil 3. Grapeseed Oil 4. Almond Oil . It's a very nice mix that I use daily as a preshave.

  10. #30
    Junior Member Latherneck1775's Avatar
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    Prior to shaving with a straight razor I used it religiously with a DE. I still shave my head with a DE and cannot imagine shaving my without it.

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