This weekend I visited the new Art of Shaving store in the Woodlands, TX and I have to say that I am very impressed. I love the atmosphere there and the customer service was very good. I bought the lavender pre-shave oil and a Merker DE. The prices were not too bad, $22 for the oil and $60 for the DE.

Upon preparing for my shave with the AOS oil for the first time, I noticed that the oil seemed kinda sticky. I have read about guys on here that have said the oil is thick but to me it just seemed a little sticky. Has anyone else noticed this? One thing I did helped it a little, I put the oil on before my hot towel treatment and it softened the skin up nicely. I love the scent and the shave was noticably better due to the oil. I think overall it was a good value for $22. How has everyone else's experience been with this oil?