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Thread: Pre pre shave

  1. #1
    Pasted Man Castel33's Avatar
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    Default Pre pre shave

    Hey guys I have been SR shaven for awhile and have tried all different pre shave preps and found that the basic splash of water and lather works best for me. However what I have found that really has an affect on my shave which really surprised me is my nighttime face washing routine. Typically at night I give my face a really though washing with noxzema for acne reasons and will follow that with tend skin to help keep ingrown hairs at bay as I get them really easy on my neck. However every so often I get lazy and will skip this routine. On the following mornings my shaves are almost always rougher and my neck is always much more irritated after the shave and I can feel it when I put on the alum.

    So I guess I am wondering if anyone else has noticed something similar?

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If your face is dirty and oily that will affect the shave you get which is why we say a hot shower or a good face scrub is how you get the ball rolling for a great shave. So your experience just mirrors that.

  3. #3
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    If I were you, I would shave after your night time face washing routine, softens the beard.

  4. #4
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I like to shave in the morning. I find that an application of Vitamin E oil, rubbed in good after shower, before bed, makes for a much nicer shave the next morn, esp in colder, drier weather. Works for me!

  5. #5
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Noxzema really tightens my skin and works like a charm as a pre-shave for me. Unfortunately I can only use it sparingly as my face can only handle so much product before it rebels lol. I wish it didn't otherwise I would use Noxzema as a pre-pre shave every shave.

    I wonder if it's the "tightening" that is at work for you or if its something else? Try washing your face with it just before a lather and see what happens.

  6. #6
    Pasted Man Castel33's Avatar
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    Hi earcutter

    I have in the past used noxzema as a pre shave and really didn't find it to do more for me then lathering letting it sit while i strop, washing that lather off and relathering.

    What bigspender said makes sense to me but if I do a complete wash like I do at night right before a shave my neck will get really irritated.

    So I am not really sure why it works for me at night but that seems to be the best way to set myself up for a good shave in the morning. Just goes to show that a lot of things can affect a shave,even things you really never think would.

    Since you really like noxzema for a pre shave try using the night before like i do and see if that helps you in the morning like it does for me.

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  8. #7
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castel33 View Post
    Hi earcutter

    I have in the past used noxzema as a pre shave and really didn't find it to do more for me then lathering letting it sit while i strop, washing that lather off and relathering.

    What bigspender said makes sense to me but if I do a complete wash like I do at night right before a shave my neck will get really irritated.

    So I am not really sure why it works for me at night but that seems to be the best way to set myself up for a good shave in the morning. Just goes to show that a lot of things can affect a shave,even things you really never think would.

    Since you really like noxzema for a pre shave try using the night before like i do and see if that helps you in the morning like it does for me.
    Wow - I thought for sure it was... I'll give it a shot the night before as you say.

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